
Niccolò Fattorini

GLAMMGRIMECUniversità degli Studi di Siena


Pubblicazioni su riviste ISI-SCOPUS

37. Fattorini N., Costanzo A., Romano A., Rubolini D., Baillie S., Bairlein F., Spina F. & Ambrosini R. (2023). Eco-evolutionary drivers of avian migratory connectivity. Ecology Letters 26:1095–1107.

36. Ferretti F., Oliveira R., Rossa M., Belardi I., Pacini G., Mugnai S., Fattorini N. & Lazzeri L. (2023). Interactions between carnivore species: limited spatiotemporal partitioning between apex predator and smaller carnivores in a Mediterranean protected area. Frontiers in Zoology 20:20.

35. Fattorini N., Lovari S., Franceschi S., Chiatante G., Brunetti C., Baruzzi C. & Ferretti F. (2023). Animal conflicts escalate in a warmer world. Science of The Total Environment 871: 161789.

34. Ferretti F., Lazzeri L. & Fattorini N. (2023). A test to motion-sensitive cameras to index ungulate densities: group size matters. Journal of Wildlife Management 87:e22356.

33. Olmastroni S., Ferretti F., Burrini L., Ademollo N. & Fattorini N. (2022). Breeding ecology of Adélie penguins in Mid Victoria Land, Ross Sea Antarctica. Diversity 14:429.

32. Bonari G., Fattorini N., Fruchter S.R., Angiolini C., Baragatti E. & Landi M. (2022). Fine-scale fern ecological responses inform on riparian forest habitat conservation status. Biodiversity and Conservation 31:2141-2161.

31. Mori E., Carbone R., Viviano A., Calosi M. & Fattorini N. (2022). Factors affecting spatiotemporal behaviour in the European brown hare Lepus europaeus: a meta-analysis. Mammal Review 52:454-470.

30. Ferretti F., Lazzeri L., Mori E., Cesaretti G., Calosi M., Burrini L. & Fattorini N. (2021). Habitat correlates of wild boar density and rooting along an environmental gradient. Journal of Mammalogy 102:1536-1547.

29. Fattorini N. & Olmastroni S. (2021). Pitfalls and advances in morphometric sexing: insights from the Adélie penguin Pygoscelis adeliae. Polar Biology 44:1563-1573.

28. Vannini C.*, Fattorini N.*, Mattioli S., Nicoloso S. & Ferretti F. (2021). Land cover and weather jointly predict biometric indicators of phenotypic quality in a large herbivore. Ecological Indicators 128:107818. [*equal contributors]

27. Monti F., Marcelli M., Fastelli P. & Fattorini N. (2021). Pushed to the edge: Environmental factors drive ecological responses of Aphanius fasciatus when in sympatry with invasive Gambusia holbrooki. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 31:2547-2559.

26. Mori E., Brunetti C., Carapelli A., Burrini L., Fattorini N., Ferretti F. & Olmastroni S. (2021). Genetic diversity in clustered colonies of an Antarctic marine mesopredator: a role for habitat quality? Antarctic Science 33: 233-242.

25. Viviano A., Mori E., Fattorini N., Mazza G., Lazzeri L., Panichi A., Strianese L. & Mohamed W.F. (2021). Spatiotemporal overlap between the European brown hare and its potential predators and competitors. Animals 11:562.

24. Ademollo N., Spataro F., Rauseo J., Pescatore T., Fattorini N., Valsecchi S., Polesello S. & Patrolecco L. (2021). Occurrence, distribution and pollution pattern of legacy and emerging organic pollutants in surface water of the Kongsfjorden (Svalbard, Norway): environmental contamination, seasonal trend and climate change. Marine Pollution Bulletin 163:111900.

23. Ferretti F. & Fattorini N. (2021). Competitor densities, habitat, and weather: effects on interspecific interactions between wild deer species. Integrative Zoology 16:670-684.

22. Fattorini N., Lovari S., Watson P. & Putman R. (2020). The scale-dependent effectiveness of wildlife management: a case study on British deer. Journal of Environmental Management 276:111303.

21. Lovari S., Franceschi S., Chiatante G., Fattorini L., Fattorini N. & Ferretti F. (2020). Climatic changes and the fate of mountain herbivores. Climatic Change 162:2319-2337.

20. Sturba L., Fattorini N., Liberatori G., Vannuccini M.L., Nannoni F., Protano G., Tursi A. & Corsi I. (2020). Multi-model inference analysis of toxicological responses and levels of heavy metals in soft tissue of land snail Cornu aspersum caged in proximity to an industrial setting. Ecological Indicators 117:106688. [Corrigendum-ibid. Ecological Indicators (2020) 119:106782]

19. Özgencil ?.K., Beklio?lu M., Özkan K., Tav?ano?lu Ç. & Fattorini N. (2020). Changes in functional composition and diversity of waterbirds: The roles of water level and submerged macrophytes. Freshwater Biology 65:1845-1857.

18. Fattorini N. & Ferretti F. (2020). Estimating wild boar density and rooting activity in a Mediterranean protected area. Mammalian Biology 100:241-251.

17. Lovari S., Fattorini N., Calosi M., Cozzi F., Gabbrielli C., Giari C., Torniai L., Romeo G. & Mori E. (2020). Spatial behaviour of the Apennine hare: Are females territorial? Ethology 126:839-843.

16. Mori E., Ferretti F, Lagrotteria A., La Greca L., Solano E. & Fattorini N. (2020). Impact of wild boar rooting on small forest?dwelling rodents. Ecological Research 35:675-681.

15. Mori E., Lovari S., Cozzi F., Gabbrielli C., Giari C., Torniai L., Romeo G., Ferretti F. & Fattorini N. (2020). Safety or satiety? Spatiotemporal behaviour of a threatened herbivore. Mammalian Biology 100:49-61. [Correction-ibid. Mammalian Biology (2021) 101:249-250]

14. Olmastroni S., Fattorini N., Pezzo F. & Focardi S. (2020). Gone fishing: Adélie penguin site-specific foraging tactics and breeding performance. Antarctic Science 32:199-209.

13. Fattorini N., Brunetti C., Baruzzi C., Chiatante G.P., Lovari S. & Ferretti F. (2019). Temporal variation of foraging activity and grouping patterns in a mountain-dwelling herbivore: environmental and endogenous drivers. Behavioural Processes 167:103909.

12. Mori E., Ferretti F. & Fattorini N. (2019). Alien war: ectoparasite load, diet and temporal niche partitioning in a multi-species assembly of small rodents. Biological Invasions 21:3305-3318.

11. Olmastroni S., Pompeo G., Jha A.N., Mori E., Vannuccini M.L., Fattorini N., Ademollo N. & Corsi I. (2019). Erythrocytes nuclear abnormalities and leukocyte profile of the immune system of Adélie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) breeding at Edmonson Point, Ross Sea, Antarctica. Polar Biology 42:1343-1352.

10. Mori E. & Fattorini N. (2019). Love getaway: dispersal pattern and distance of the crested porcupine. Mammal Research 64:529-534.

9. Mori E., Sala J.P., Fattorini N., Menchetti M., Montalvo T. & Senar J.C. (2019). Ectoparasite sharing among native and invasive birds in a metropolitan area. Parasitology Research 118:399-409.

8. Fattorini N. & Ferretti F. (2019). To scan or not to scan? Occurrence of the group-size effect in a seasonally nongregarious forager. Ethology 125:263-275.

7. Pecorella I., Fattorini N., Macchi E. & Ferretti F. (2019). Sex-age differences in foraging, vigilance and alertness in a social herbivore. Acta Ethologica 22:1-8.

6. Fattorini N., Lovari S., Brunetti C., Baruzzi C., Cotza A., Macchi E., Pagliarella M.C. & Ferretti F. (2018). Age, seasonality and correlates of aggression in female Apennine chamois. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 72:171.

5. Fattorini N., Brunetti C., Baruzzi C., Macchi E., Pagliarella M.C., Pallari N., Lovari S. & Ferretti F. (2018). Being “hangry”: food depletion and its cascading effects on social behaviour. Biological Journal of The Linnean Society 125:640-656.

4. Fattorini N., Burrini L., Morao G., Ferretti F., Romeo G. & Mori E. (2018). Splitting hairs: how to tell hair of hares apart for food habit studies. Mammalian Biology 89:84-89.

3. Baruzzi C., Lovari S. & Fattorini N. (2017). Catch me if you can: antipredatory behaviour of chamois to the wolf. Ethology Ecology & Evolution 29: 589-598.

2. Lovari S.*, Fattorini N.*, Boesi R. & Bocci A. (2015). Male ruff colour as a rank signal in a monomorphic-horned mammal: behavioural correlates. The Science of Nature 102:39. [*equal contributors]

1. Fattorini N. & Pokheral C.P. (2012). Activity and habitat selection of the Indian crested porcupine. Ethology Ecology & Evolution 24:377-387.

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Associazione Teriologica Italiana ETS
Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie "Charles Darwin"
Università di Roma "La Sapienza" - Viale dell'Università, 32
I-00185 Roma (RM)