
Maria Vittoria Mazzamuto



University of Wyoming
Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources


Total pubs: 32, First author: 17, Corresponding author: 13, Last author: 1, Pubs post PhD: 29

1. Wildlife Disease Monitoring: Methods and Perspectives. 2022. Animals 12(21): 3032.
Mazzamuto M.V., Schilling A.-K., Romeo C.

2. Gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) space use in Southeastern Arizona. 2022. The Southwestern Naturalist 66(2):166-168.
Veals A.M., Koprowski J.L., Vercauteren K.C., Bergman D.L., Mazzamuto M.V.

3. A Review of Non-Invasive Sampling in Wildlife Disease and Health Research: What’s New? 2022. Animals 12, 1719.
Schilling A.-K.*, Mazzamuto M.V.*, Romeo C.
*equal contribution

4. Habitat Determinants and Density of the Endemic Sicilian Rock Partridge Alectoris graeca whitakeri on Mt. Etna, Sicily, Italy. 2021. Acta Ornithologica 56(2): 159-170.
Anile S., Mazzamuto M.V., Lo Valvo M.

5. Antelope jackrabbit (Lepus alleni) habitat characteristics in a former rangeland.2021. Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science 49(2):58-64
Altemus M.M., Mazzamuto M.V., Brown D.E., Koprowski J.L., Johnson L.A.

6. Exotic Pet Trade as a Cause of Biological Invasions: The Case of Tree Squirrels of the Genus Callosciurus. 2021. Biology. 10(10):1046
Mazzamuto M.V., Wauters L.A., Koprowski J.L.

7. Mandible morphology as a tool to investigate origin, adaptation and stress in invasive alien species: first insights into Callosciurus erythraeus (Rodentia: Sciuridae) in Europe. 2021. The European Zoological Journal, 88(1): 782-795
Mazzamuto M.V., Su H.J., Guidarelli G., Preatoni D., Russo L.F., Loy A., Martinoli, A.

8. Personality traits, sex and food abundance shape space use in an arboreal mammal. 2021. Oecologia 196 (1): 65-76.
Wauters L.A.*, Mazzamuto M.V.*, Santicchia F., Martinoli A., Preatoni D.G., Lurz P.W., Bertolino S., Romeo C.
*equal contribution

9. Camera Trapping to Assess Status and Composition of Mammal Communities in a Biodiversity Hotspot in Myanmar. 2021. Animals 11(3): 880.
Cremonesi G., Bisi F., Gaffi L., Zaw T., Naing H., Moe K., Aung Z., Mazzamuto M.V., Gagliardi A., Wauters L.A., Preatoni D.G.

10. Serotine Eptesicus serotinus (Schreber, 1774). 2020. In: Hackländer K., Zachos F.E. (eds) Handbook of the Mammals of Europe. Springer, Cham.
Martinoli A., Mazzamuto M.V., Spada M.

11. Timing of resource availability drives divergent social systems and home range dynamics in ecologically similar tree squirrels. 2020. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8:174. Invitation for Special Issue “Ecological, Behavioral and Genomic Consequences in the Rodent Family Sciuridae: Why Are Squirrels So Diverse?” 10.3389/fevo.2020.00174
Mazzamuto M.V., Merrick M., Bisi F., Koprowski J., Wauters L., Martinoli A.

12. When management meets science: adaptive analysis for the optimization of the eradication of the Northern raccoon (Procyon lotor). 2020. Biological Invasions 22, 3119–3130
Mazzamuto M.V.*, Panzeri M.*, Bisi F., Wauters L. A., Preatoni D. G., Martinoli A.
*equal contribution

13. Fire impacts on a forest obligate: western gray squirrel response to burn severity. 2020. Mammalian Biology 100, 295–303.
Mazzamuto M.V., Mazzella M., Merrick M., Koprowski J.

14. Search for polyoma-, herpes-, and bornaviruses in squirrels of the family Sciuridae. 2020. Virology Journal 17, 42.
Schulze V., Lurz P.W.W., Ferrari N., Romeo C., Steele M.A., Marino S., Mazzamuto M.V., Calvignac-Spencer S., Schlottau K., Beer M., Ulrich R.G., Ehlers B.

15. Interspecific competition affects the expression of personality-traits in natural populations. 2019. Scientific Reports 9, 11189.
Wauters L.A.*, Mazzamuto M.V.*, Santicchia F., Van Dongen S., Preatoni D.G., Martinoli A.
*equal contribution

17. Distribution of Wildlife and Illegal Human Activities in the Lampi Marine National Park (Myanmar). 2019. Environmental Conservation:1–8 doi:10.1017/S0376892918000486 Bisi F., Gagliardi A., Cremonesi G., Colombo R., Mazzamuto M.V., Wauters L. A., Preatoni D. G., Martinoli A.

18. British Red Squirrels Remain the Only Known Wild Rodent Host for Leprosy Bacilli. 2019. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 6 doi: 10.3389/fvets.2019.0000
Schilling A-K, Avanzi C., Ulrich R.G., Busso P., Pisanu B., Ferrari N., Romeo C., Mazzamuto M.V., McLuckie J., Shuttleworth C.M., Del-Pozo J., Lurz P.W.W., Escalante-Fuentes W.G., Ocampo-Candiani J., Vera-Cabrera L., Stevenson K., Chapuis J-L, Meredith A.L., Cole S.T.

19. Behavioural and population responses of ground-dwelling rodents to forest edges. 2018. Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 29:211–215.
Mazzamuto M. V., Wauters L. A., Preatoni D. G., Martinoli A.

20. Rodents in the arena: a critical evaluation of methods measuring personality traits. 2019. Ethology Ecology & Evolution: online first 31(1):38-58 doi: 10.1080/03949370.2018.1488768
Mazzamuto M.V., Cremonesi G., Santicchia F., Preatoni D. G., Martinoli A., Wauters L.A.

21. Recapture of a banded Bechstein’s bat (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) after 16 years: an example of high swarming site fidelity. 2018. Mammalian Biology 91: 7-9.
Bologna S., Mazzamuto M.V., Molinari A., Mazzaracca S., Spada M., Wauters L.A., Preatoni D., Martinoli A.

22. Native and introduced squirrels in Italy host different Cryptosporidium spp. 2017. European Journal of Protistology 61: 64-75.
Prediger J., Hor?i?ková M., Hofmannová L., Sak B., Ferrari N., Mazzamuto M.V., Romeo C., Wauters L.A., McEvoy J., Kvá? M.

23. Interspecific competition between alien Pallas’s squirrels and Eurasian red squirrels reduces density of the native species. 2017. Biological Invasions 19(2): 723-735
Mazzamuto M.V., Bisi F., Wauters L.A., Preatoni D., Martinoli A.

24. Space invaders: effects of invasive alien Pallas's squirrel on home range and body mass of native red squirrel. 2017. Biological Invasions 19 (6): 1863–1877.
Mazzamuto M.V., Morandini M., Panzeri M., Wauters L., Preatoni D., Martinoli A.

25. Knowledge, management and optimization: the use of live traps in control of non-native squirrels. 2016. Mammalia 80(3): 305-311.
Mazzamuto M.V., Panzeri M., Wauters L., Preatoni D., Martinoli A.

26. Poor parasite community in an invasive alien species: macroparasites of Pallas’s squirrels in Italy. 2016. Annales Zoologici Fennici 53 (1-2): 103-112.
Mazzamuto M.V., Pisanu B., Chapuis J-L., Romeo C., Ferrari N., Wauters L., Preatoni D., Martinoli A.

27. Preventing species invasion: a role for integrative taxonomy? 2016. Integrative Zoology 11(3): 214-228.
Mazzamuto M.V., Galimberti A., Cremonesi G., Pisanu B., Chapuis J-L., Stuyck J., Amori G., Su H-J., Aloise G., Preatoni D., Wauters L., Casiraghi M., Martinoli A.

28. Current and future conifer seed production in the Alps: testing weather factors as cues behind masting. 2016. European Journal of Forest Research 135(4): 743-754.
Bisi F., von Hardenberg J., Bertolino S., Wauters L.A., Imperio S., Preatoni D.G., Provenzale A., Mazzamuto M.V., Martinoli A.

29. Diversity and host specificity of coccidia (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) in native and introduced squirrel species. 2016. European Journal of Protistology 56: 1-14.
Hofmannová L., Romeo C., Štohanzlová L., Jirsová D., Mazzamuto M.V., Wauters L.A., Ferrari N., Modrý D.

30. The use of uterine scars to explore fecundity levels in invasive alien tree squirrels. 2015. Hystrix The Italian Journal Of Mammalogy 26(2): 95-101.
Santicchia F., Romeo C., Grilli G., Vezzoso L., Wauters L.A., Mazzamuto M.V., Martinoli A., Ferrari N.

31. Survey on parasitic infections in wildcat (Felis silvestris silvestris Schreber, 1777) by scat collection. 2015. Parasitology Research 115(1):255-61.
Napoli E., Anile S., Arrabito C., Scornavacca D., Mazzamuto M.V., Gaglio G., Otranto D.,Giannetto S., Brianti E.

32. A non-invasive monitoring on European wildcat (Felis silvestris silvestris Schreber, 1777) in Sicily using hair trapping and camera trapping: does it work? 2012. Hystrix The Italian Journal Of Mammalogy 23 (2): 44–49
Anile S., Arrabito C., Mazzamuto M.V., Scornavacca D., Ragni B.

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Associazione Teriologica Italiana ETS
Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie "Charles Darwin"
Università di Roma "La Sapienza" - Viale dell'Università, 32
I-00185 Roma (RM)