
Emiliano Mori

Direttore PubblicazioniGIRCGLAMMGPMGRIMECConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche


Nato a Siena nel 1985, ha conseguito la laurea specialistica in Biodiversità ed Evoluzione all’Università di Pisa nel 2009, con una tesi sulla struttura genetica e filogeografia del francolino nero (Aves: Galliformes), con voto finale 110/110, lode e abbraccio accademico. Durante l’internato di tesi, ha sviluppato interesse per la biologia della conservazione, in particolare per le problematiche connesse con le specie introdotte. Durante il Master di II Livello in Conservazione della Biodiversità Animale all’Università “La Sapienza” di Roma, ha ottenuto una borsa lavoro in provincia di Biella per effettuare una checklist di vertebrati in un giardino storico. Ha concluso il master nel novembre 2010, con una tesi sulla fauna alloctona della Selva di Paliano (Frosinone), in collaborazione con ARP Lazio e NEMO Ambiente. In concomitanza, ha vinto il dottorato di ricerca senza borsa in Biologia Evoluzionistica all’Università di Siena, sull’ecologia spaziale dell’istrice in contesti ecologici contrastanti. Durante i tre anni di dottorato, ha portato avanti progetti di ricerca su popolazioni di parrocchetti in Italia, sull’impatto dei gatti domestici sulla fauna selvatica, e in generale sul comportamento dei roditori (includendo le catture in vivo), ai quali lo hanno avvicinato sia il dottorato di ricerca, sia l’ATIt, del cui Consiglio Direttivo è membro dal 2016. Nel novembre 2013, è socio fondatore dell’Associazione “Successione Ecologica”, di cui è vicepresidente fino al 2020, un network nazionale con l’obiettivo di promuovere lo scambio culturale e scientifico tra i giovani che operano nel campo della biologia ambientale, dell’ecologia e delle scienze naturali intese in senso ampio. Da fine 2013 al 2016, ha ottenuto due borse di ricerca all’Università di Torino, dove si è occupato di conservazione di roditori e soricomorfi terragnoli e di scoiattolo comune presso il Parco Nazionale del Gran Paradiso. Durante i tre anni trascorsi presso l’Università di Torino, ha effettuato catture di piccoli mammiferi e di sciuridi arborei attraverso trappole a vivo. Inoltre, è statp membro del Management Committee dell’Azione COST “ParrotNet” dal 2013 al 2017. Nel 2017, ha lavorato su un progetto su tamia siberiano finanziato dall’Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Dal 2018 al 2020, si è occupato anche di gestione del cinghiale, con una borsa dell'Università di Siena. Da luglio 2020, è ricercatore a tempo indeterminato al CNR - IRET, presso la sede di Sesto Fiorentino (FI). Nel periodo 2022-2023 si è occupato di castoro europeo, con un progetto finanziato dal Beaver Trust UK. Dal 2016 al 2020 è stato Consigliere dell'ATIt, dal 2021 al 2024 ne è stato Segretario.


With Impact Factor

1. Forcina G., Panayides P., Guerrini M., Nardi F., Gupta B.K., Mori E., Al-Sheikhly O.F., Mansoori J., Khaliq I., Rank D.N., Parasharya B.M., Khan A.A., Hadjigerou P., Barbanera F. (2012). Molecular evolution of the Asian francolins (Francolinus, Galliformes): a modern reappraisal of a classic study in speciation. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 65: 523-534.
2. Mori E., Sforzi A. (2013). Structure of phytobezoars found in the stomach of a crested porcupine, Hystrix cristata L., 1758. Folia Zoologica, 62(3): 232-234.
3. Mori E., Ancillotto L., Menchetti M., Romeo C., Ferrari N. (2013). Italian red squirrels and introduced parakeets: victims or perpetrators? Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy, 24: 195-196.
4. Lovari S., Sforzi A., Mori E. (2013). Habitat richness affects home range size in a monogamous large rodent. Behavioural Processes, 99: 42-46.
5. Mori E., Sforzi A., Di Febbraro M. (2013). From the Apennines to the Alps: recent range expansion of the crested porcupine Hystrix cristata L., 1758 (Mammalia: Rodentia: Hystricidae) in Italy. Italian Journal of Zoology, 80(4): 469-480.
6. Bruni G., Boggiano F., Menchetti M., Mori E. (2013). First report of egg predation by an unpaired Eurasian Coot, Fulica atra, L. 1758 (Aves, Gruiformes) on Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, L. 1758 (Aves: Charadriiformes): one case from Central Italy. Italian Journal of Zoology, 80: 313-316.
7. Mori E., Di Febbraro M., Foresta M., Melis P., Romanazzi E., Notari A., Boggiano F. (2013). Assessment of the current distribution of free-living parrots and parakeets (Aves: Psittaciformes) in Italy: a synthesis of published data and new records. Italian Journal of Zoology, 80: 158-167.
8. Mori E., Menchetti M., Ferretti F. (2014). Seasonal and environmental influences on the calling behaviour of Eurasian Scops Owls. Bird Study, 61(2): 277-281.
9. Mori E., Menchetti M., Dartora F. (2014). Evidence of carrion consumption behaviour in the long-eared owl Asio otus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Aves: Strigiformes: Strigidae). Italian Journal of Zoology, 81: 471-475.
10. Mori E., Monaco A., Sposimo P., Genovesi P. (2014). Low establishment success of alien non-passerine birds in a Central Italy wetland. Italian Journal of Zoology, 81: 593-598.
11. Mori E., Menchetti M., Dondini G., Biosa D., Vergari S. (2014) Theriofauna of Site of Community Importance Poggi di Prata (Grosseto, Central Italy): terrestrial mammals and preliminary data on Chiroptera. Check List, 10(4): 718-723.
12. Menchetti M., Mori E. (2014). Worldwide impact of alien parrots (Aves Psittaciformes) on native biodiversity and environment: a review. Ethology Ecology & Evolution 26(2-3): 172-194.
13. Panzeri M., Menchetti M., Mori E. (2014). Habitat use and diet of the Eurasian scops owl Otus scops in the breeding and wintering periods in Central Italy. Ardeola, 61(2): 393-399.
14. Panzeri M., Mori E., Mazza G., Menchetti M. (2014). Records of introduced stripe-necked terrapins (Mauremys species) in Italy. Acta Herpetologica, 9(2): 97-100.
15. Mori E., Lovari S. (2014). Sexual size monomorphism in the crested porcupine (Hystrix cristata). Mammalian Biology, 79: 157-160.
16. Mori E., Maggini I., Menchetti M. (2014). When quills kill. The defence strategy of the crested porcupine Hystrix cristata L., 1758. Mammalia, 78(2): 229-234.
17. Mori E., Nourisson D.H., Lovari S., Romeo G., Sforzi A. (2014). Self-defence may not be enough: moonlight avoidance in a large, spiny rodent. Journal of Zoology, 294: 31-40.
18. Mori E., Menchetti M., Balestrieri A. (2014). Interspecific den sharing: a study on European badger setts using camera traps. Acta Ethologica, 28: 121-126.
19. Mori E., Lovari S., Sforzi A., Romeo G., Pisani C., Massolo A., Fattorini L. (2014) Patterns of spatial overlap in a monogamous large rodent, the crested porcupine. Behavioural Processes, 107: 112-118.
20. Menchetti M., Scalera R., Mori E. (2014). First record of a possibly overlooked impact by alien parrots on a bat (Nyctalus leisleri). Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy, 25: 61-62.
21. Ancillotto L., Mazza G., Menchetti M., Mori E. (2014) Host specificity of the badger’s flea (Paraceras melis) and first detection on a bat host. Parasitology Research 113(10): 3909-3912.
22. Mori E., Sforzi A., Menchetti M., Mazza G., Lovari S., Pisanu B. (2015). Ectoparasite load in the crested porcupine Hystrix cristata Linnaeus, 1758 in Central Italy. Parasitology Research 114: 2223-2229.
23. Mori E., Menchetti M., Bertolino S., Mazza G., Ancillotto L. (2015). Reappraisal of an old cheap method for marking the European hedgehog. Mammal Research 60: 189-193.
24. Mori E., Mazza G., Menchetti M., Panzeri M., Gager Y., Bertolino S., Di Febbraro M. (2015). The masked invader strikes again: the conquest of Italy by the Northern Raccoon. Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy, 26: 47-51.
25. Bertolino S., Colangelo P., Mori E., Capizzi D. (2015). Good for management, not for conservation: an overview of research, conservation and management of Italian small mammals. Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy, 26: 25-35.
26. Di Febbraro M., Mori E. (2015). Potential distribution of feral parakeets in Tuscany (Central Italy): a bioclimatic model approach. Ethology, Ecology and Evolution, 27(2): 116-128.
27. Mori E., Bertolino S. (2015). Feeding ecology of long-eared owls in winter: an urban perspective. Bird Study, 62: 257-261.
28. Mori E., Ancillotto L., Groombridge J., Howard T., Feneru F., Smith V.V., Menchetti M. (2015). Macroparasites of introduced parakeets in Italy: a possible role for parasite-mediated competition. Parasitology Research, 114: 3277-3281.
29. Ancillotto L., Strubbe D., Menchetti M., Mori E. (2015). An overlooked invader? Ecological niche, invasion success and range dynamics of the Alexandrine parakeet in the invaded range. Biological Invasions 18: 583-595.
30. Mazza G., Menchetti M., Sluys R., Solà E., Riutort M., Tricarico E., Justine J.L., Cavigioli L., Mori E. (2016). First report of the land planarian Diversibipalium multilineatum (Makino & Shirasawa, 1983) (Plathyhelminthes, Tricladida, Continenticola) in Europe. Zootaxa, 4067: 577-580.
31. Mori E., Mazzetto F., Menchetti M., Bodino N., Grasso E., Sposimo P. (2016) Feeding ecology of the scops owl, Otus scops (Aves: Strigiformes), in the island of Pianosa (Tuscan Archipelago, Central Italy) outside the breeding period. Italian Journal of Zoology, 83: 417-422.
32. Torrini G., Mazza G., Strangi A., Barabaschi D., Landi S., Mori E., Menchetti M., Sposimo P., Giuliani C., Zoccola A., Lazzaro L., Ferretti G., Foggi B., Roversi P.F. (2016). Oscheius tipulae in Italy: evidence of an alien isolate in the integral natural reserve of Montecristo Island (Tuscany). Journal of Nematology 48: 8-13.
33. Laurenzi A., Bodino N., Mori E. (2016). Much ado about nothing: assessing the impact of a problematic rodent on agriculture and native trees. Mammal Research, 61: 65-72.
34. Carnevali L., Lovari S., Monaco A., Mori E. (2016). Nocturnal activity of a “diurnal” species, the northern chamois, in a predator-free Alpine area. Behavioural Processes 126: 101-107.
35. Mori E., Menchetti M., Lucherini M., Sforzi A., Lovari S. (2016). Timing of reproduction and paternal cares in the crested porcupine. Mammalian Biology 81: 345-349.
36. Trucchi E., Facon B., Gratton P., Mori E., Stenseth N.C., Jentoft S. (2016) Long live the alien: is high genetic diversity a pivotal aspect of crested porcupine (Hystrix cristata) long-lasting and successful invasion? Molecular Ecology, 25: 3527–3539.
37. Mori E., Mazzoglio P.J., Rima P.C., Aloise G., Bertolino S. (2016). Bark-stripping damage by Callosciurus finlaysoniii introduced into Italy. Mammalia, 80: 507-514.
38. Ancillotto L., Mori E. (2017). Adaptive significance of coat colouration and patterns in Sciuromorpha (Rodentia). Ethology, Ecology and Evolution 29: 241-254.
39. Lioy S., Mori E., Wauters L.A., Bertolino S. (2016). Weight operated see-saw feeding hoppers are not selective for red squirrels when greys are present. Mammalian Biology 81: 365-371.
40. Ancillotto L, Mori E., Sozio G., Solano E., Bertolino S., Russo D. (2016). A novel approach to field identification of cryptic Apodemus wood mice: calls differ more than morphology. Mammal Review 47: 6-10.
41. Castiglia R, Aloise G, Amori G, Annesi F, Bertolino S, Capizzi D, Mori E., Colangelo P. (2016). The Italian peninsula hosts a divergent mtDNA lineage of the water vole, Arvicola amphibius s.l., including fossorial and aquatic ecotypes. Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 27: 99-103.
42. Tiberti R., Mori E. (2016). Considerations on the vulnerability of the Eurasian water shrew Neomys fodiens to the presence of introduced brown trout Salmo trutta. Biologia, 71(6): 721-725.
43. Mori E., Menchetti M., Cantini M., Bruni G., Santini G., Bertolino S. (2016). Twenty years’ monitoring of a population of Italian crested newt Triturus carnifex: strong site fidelity and shifting population structure in response to restoration. Ethology, Ecology and Evolution, 29: 460-473.
44. Bertolino S., Büchner F., Mori E., Büchner S. (2016). Presence of the hazel dormouse Muscardinus avellanarius at the limit of its altitudinal range. Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy, 27(2): 215-218.
45. Mori E., Benatti L., Lovari S., Ferretti F. (2017). What does the wild boar mean to the wolf? European Journal of Wildlife Research 63: 9.
46. Lovari S., Corsini M.T., Guazzini B., Romeo G., Mori E. (2017). Suburban ecology of the crested porcupine in a heavily poached area: a global approach. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 63: 10.
47. Mori E., Grandi G., Menchetti M., Tella J.T., Jackson H.A., Reino L., van Kleunen A., Figueira R., Ancillotto L. (2017). Worldwide distribution of non-native Amazon parrots and temporal trends of their global trade. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 40: 49-62.
48. Mori E., Iacucci A., Castiglia R., Santini L. (2017). Sexual-size dimorphism in two synanthropic rat species: comparison and eco-evolutionary perspectives. Mammalian Biology, 83: 78-80.
49. Turbè A., Strubbe D., Mori E., Carrete M., Chiron F., Clergeau P., Gonzalez-Moreno P., Le Louarn M., Luna A., Menchetti M., Nentwig W., Pârâu L.G., Postigo J.L., Rabitsch W., Senar J.C., Tollington S., Vanderhoeven S., Weiserbs A., Shwartz A. (2017). Assessing the assessments: evaluation of four impact assessment protocols for invasive alien species. Diversity and Distributions, 23: 297-307.
50. Mori E., Ancillotto L., Menchetti M., Strubbe D. (2017). ‘The early bird catches the nest’: possible competition between scops owls and ring-necked parakeets. Animal Conservation 20: 463-470.
51. Battocchio D., Iacolina L., Canu A., Mori E. (2017). How much does it cost to look like a pig in a wild boar group? Behavioural Processes, 138: 123-126.
52. Luna A., Franz D., Strubbe D., Shwartz A., Braun M.P., Hernàndez-Brito D., Malihi Y., Kaplan A., Mori E., Menchetti M., van Turnhout C.A.M., Parrott D., Chmielewski F.M., Edelaar P. (2017). Reproductive timing as a constraint on invasion success in the ring-necked parakeet (Psittacula krameri). Biological Invasions, 19: 2247-2259.
53. Lovari S., Serrao G., Mori E. (2017). Woodland features determining home range size of roe deer. Behavioural Processes, 140: 115-120.
54. Mori E. (2017). Porcupines in the landscape of fear: effects of hunting with dogs on the behaviour of a non-target species. Mammal Research, 62: 251-258.
55. Mori E., Mazza G., Saggiomo L., Sommese A., Esattore B. (2017). Strangers coming from the Sahara: an update of the worldwide distribution, potential impacts and conservation opportunities of alien aoudad. Annales Zoologici Fennici, 54: 373-386.
56. Mori E., Bozzi R., Laurenzi A. (2017). Feeding habits of the crested porcupine Hystrix cristata L. 1758 (Mammalia, Rodentia) in a Mediterranean area of Central Italy. The European Zoological Journal, 84: 261-265.
57. Russo D., Ancillotto L., Hughes A.C., Galimberti A., Mori E. (2017). Collection of voucher specimens for bat research: conservation, ethical implications, reduction, and alternatives. Mammal Review, 47: 237-246.
58. Cerri J., Mori E., Vivarelli M., Zaccaroni M. (2017). Are wildlife value orientations useful tools to explain tolerance and illegal killing of wildlife by farmers in response to crop damage? European Journal of Wildlife Research, 63: 70.
59. Mori E., Di Bari P., Coraglia M. (2018). Interference between roe deer and Northern chamois in the Italian Alps: are Facebook groups effective data sources?. Ethology, Ecology and Evolution 30: 277-284.
60. Franchini M., Fazzi P., Lucchesi M., Mori E. (2017). Diet of adult and juvenile wildcats in Southern Tuscany (Central Italy). Folia Zoologica, 66, 147-151.
61. Mori E., Baeri A., Sforzi A., Vitale A., Galimberti A. (2017). From accidental citizen-science observations to genetic confirmation: how to spot new hidden invaders. Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 28: 284-287.
62. Bocci A., Lovari S., Khan M.Z., Mori E. (2017). Sympatric snow leopard and Tibetan wolves: coexistence of large carnivores with human-driven potential competition. European Journal of Wildlife Research 63: 92.
63. Mori E., Mazza G., Galimberti A., Angiolini C., Bonari G. (2017). The porcupine as “Little Thumbling”: the role of Hystrix cristata in the spread of Helianthus tuberosus. Biologia 72: 1211-1216.
64. Fattorini N., Burrini L., Morao G., Ferretti F., Romeo G., Mori E. (2018). Splitting hairs: how to tell hair of hares apart for predator diet studies. Mammalian Biology 85: 84-89.
65. Mori E., Zozzoli R., Menchetti M. (2018). Global distribution and status of introduced Siberian chipmunks Eutamias sibiricus. Mammal Review 48: 139-152.
66. Ancillotto L., Notomista T., Mori E., Bertolino S., Russo D. (2018). Assessment of detection methods and vegetation associations for introduced Finlayson’s squirrels (Callosciurus finlaysonii) in Italy. Environmental Management 61: 875-883.
67. Vannini A., Bruni G., Ricciardi G., Platania L., Mori E., Tricarico E. (2018). Gambusia holbrooki the “tadpolefish”: the impact of its predatory behaviour on four protected species of European amphibians. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 28: 476-484.
68. Lovari S., Mori E. (2018). Seasonal food habits of the endangered Indochinese leopard Panthera pardus delacouri in a protected area of North West Thailand. Folia Zoologica 66: 242-247.
69. Mori E., Lovari S., Mazza G. (2018). The bone collector: temporal patterns of bone-gnawing behaviour define osteophagia as a female prerogative in a large rodent. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 72: 89.
70. Zozzoli R., Menchetti M., Mori E. (2018). Spatial behaviour of an overlooked alien squirrel: the case of Siberian chipmunks Eutamias sibiricus. Behavioural Processes 153: 107-111.
71. Mori E., Zozzoli R., Mazza G. (2018) Coming in like a wrecking-ball: are native red squirrels displacing invasive Siberian chipmunks? A study from an urban park. Urban Ecosystems 21: 975–981.
72. Grandi G., Menchetti M., Mori E. (2018) Vertical segregation by ring-necked parakeets Psittacula krameri in northern Italy. Urban Ecosystems 21:1011–1017.
73. Romani T., Giannone C., Mori E., Filacorda S. (2018) Use of track counts and camera trapping to estimate the abundance of roe deer in North-Eastern Italy: are they effective methods? Mammal Research 63: 477-484.
74. Sogliani D., Mori E. (2019) “The Fox and the Cat”: sometimes they do not agree. Mammalian Biology 95: 150-154.
75. Mori E., Pisanu B., Zozzoli R., Solano E., Olivieri E., Sassera D., Montagna M. (2018) Arthropods and associated pathogens from native and introduced rodents in Northeastern Italy. Parasitology Research 117: 3237-3243.
76. Mori E., Sforzi A., Bogliani G., Milanesi P. (2018) Range expansion and redefinition of a crop-raiding rodent associated with global warming and temperature increase. Climatic Change 150: 319-331.
77. Dori P., Scalisi M., Mori E. (2019). “An American near Rome”… and not only! Presence of the eastern cottontail in Central Italy and potential impacts on the endemic and vulnerable Apennine hare. Mammalia 83: 307-312.
78. Iacucci A., Colangelo P., Gamberi V., Mori E., Capizzi D., Baert K., Esther A., Leirs H., Petit T., Ribas A., Aloise G., Annesi F., Castiglia R. (2018). VKORC1 mutation in European populations of Rattus norvegicus with first data for Italy and the report of a new amino acidic substitution. Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 29: 95-100.
79. Ancillotto L., Studer V., Howard T., Smith V.S., McAlister E., Beccaloni J., Manzia F., Renzopaoli F., Bosso L., Russo D., Mori E. (2018). Environmental drivers of parasite load and species richness in introduced parakeets in an urban landscape. Parasitology Research 117: 3591-3599.
80. Mori E., Menchetti M., Zozzoli R., Milanesi P. (2019). The importance of taxonomy in species distribution models at a global scale: the case of an overlooked alien squirrel facing taxonomic revision. Journal of Zoology, 307: 43-52.
81. Mori E., Milanesi P., Menchetti M., Zozzoli R., Monaco A., Capizzi D., Nerva L. (2018). Genetics reveals that free-ranging chipmunks introduced to Italy have multiple origins. Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 29: 239-242.
82. Fajardo M., Morales M., Fontenla E., Giordano C., Mori E., Mazza G. (2018). Sighting of Southern grey shrikes preying on red palm weevil in two countries. Redia 101: 193-196.
83. Mori E., Sala J.P., Fattorini N., Menchetti M., Montalvo T., Senar J.C. (2019). Ectoparasite sharing among native and invasive birds in a metropolitan area. Parasitology Research 118: 399-409.
84. Di Febbraro M., Menchetti M., Russo D., Ancillotto L., Aloise G., Roscioni F., Preatoni D.G., Loy A., Martinoli A., Bertolino S., Mori E. (2019). Integrating climate and land-use change scenarios in modelling the future spread of invasive squirrels in Italy. Diversity and Distributions 25: 644-659.
85. Mori E., Ancillotto L., Lovari S., Russo D., Nerva L., Mohamed W.F., Motro Y., Di Bari P., Plebani M. (2019). Skull shape and Bergmann’s rule in mammals: hints from Old World porcupines. Journal of Zoology 308: 47-55.
86. Canale D.E., Di Dio V., Massa B., Mori E. (2019). First successful eradication of Norway rats Rattus norvegicus from a small Mediterranean island (Isola delle Femmine, Italy). Folia Zoologica 68: 21-26.
87. Postigo J.L., Strubbe D., Mori E., Ancillotto L., Carneiro I., Latsoudis P., Menchetti M., Pârâu L.G., Parrott D., Reino L., Weiserbs A., Senar J.C. (2019). Mediterranean versus Atlantic monk parakeets Myiopsitta monachus: towards differentiated management at the European scale. Pest Management Science 75: 915-922.
88. Girardello M., Santangeli A., Mori E., Chapman A., Fattorini S., Naidoo R., Bertolino S., Svenning J.C. (2019). Global synergies and trade-offs between multiple dimensions of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Scientific Reports 9: 5636.
89. Balestrieri A., Mori E., Menchetti M., Ruiz-Gonzalez A., Milanesi P. (2019). Far from the madding crowd: tolerance toward human disturbance shapes distribution and connectivity patterns of closely related Martes spp. Population Ecology 61: 289-299.
90. Ancillotto L., Mori E., Bosso L., Agnelli P., Russo D. (2019). The Balkan long-eared bat (Plecotus kolombatovici) occurs in Italy – first confirmed record and potential distribution. Mammalian Biology 96: 61-67.
91. Boscherini A., Mazza G., Menchetti M., Laurenzi A., Mori E. (2020). Time is running out! Rapid range expansion of the invasive northern raccoon in central Italy. Mammalia 84: 98-101.
92. Mori E., Nerva L., Lovari S. (2019). Reclassification of the serows and the gorals: the end of a neverending story? Mammal Review 49: 256-262.
93. Mori E., Menchetti M. (2019). Living with roommates in a shared den: spatial and temporal segregation among semifossorial mammals. Behavioural Processes 164: 48-53.
94. Basso R., Vannuccini M.L., Nerva L., Mazza G., Seno M., Mori E. (2019). Multiple origins of the common chameleon in southern Italy. Herpetozoa 32: 11-19.
95. Mori E., Mazza G. (2019). Diet of a semiaquatic invasive mammal in northern Italy: could it be an alarming threat to the endemic water vole? Mammalian Biology 97: 88-94.
96. Mori E., Fattorini N. (2019). Love getaway: dispersal pattern and distance of the crested porcupine. Mammal Research 64: 529-534.
97. Olmastroni S., Pompeo G., Jha A.N., Mori E., Vannuccini M.L., Fattorini N., Ademollo N., Corsi I. (2019). Erythrocytes nuclear abnormalities and leukocyte profile of the immune system of Adèlie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) breeding at Edmonson Point, Ross Sea, Antarctica. Polar Biology 42: 1343-1352.
98. Mori E., Ferretti F., Fattorini N. (2019). Alien war: ectoparasite load, diet and temporal niche partitioning in a multi-species assembly of small rodents. Biological Invasions 21: 3305-3318.
99. Dell’Agnello F., Martini M., Mori E., Mazza G., Mazza V., Zaccaroni M. (2019). Winter activity rhythms of a rodent pest species in agricultural habitats. Mammal Research 65: 69-74.
100. White R., Strubbe D., Dallimer M., Davies Z.G., Davis A.J.S., Edelaar P., Groombridge J., Jackson H.A., Menchetti M., Mori E., Nikolov B.P., Pârâu L.G., Pe?nikar Ž.F., Pett T.J., Reino L., Tollington S., Turbè A., Shwartz A. (2019). Assessing the ecological and societal impacts of alien parrots in Europe using a transparent and inclusive evidence-mapping scheme. Neobiota 48: 45.
101. Mori E., Assandri G. (2019). Coming back home: recolonisation of abandoned dens by crested porcupine Hystrix cristata and European badgers Meles meles after wood-cutting and riparian vegetation mowing events. Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 30: 39-43.
102. Mori E., Cardador L., Reino L., White R.L., Hernandez-Brito D., Le Louarn M., Mentil L., Edelaar P., Pârâu L.G., Nikolov B.P, Menchetti M. (2020). Lovebirds in the air: trade patterns, establishment success and niche shift of Agapornis parrots within their non-native range. Biological Invasions 22: 421-435.
103. Ferretti F., Mori E. (2020). Displacement interference between wild ungulate species: does it occur? Ethology, Ecology and Evolution 32: 2-15.
104. Mori E., Bagnato S., Serroni P., Sangiuliano A., Rotondaro F., Marchianò V., Cascini V., Poerio L., Ferretti F. (2020). Spatiotemporal mechanisms of coexistence in an European mammal community in a protected area of southern Italy. Journal of Zoology 310: 232-245.
105. Mori E., Allegrini C., Bertolino S. (2020). Modified live traps increase capture success of semifossorial voles in Alpine meadows. Mammalia 84: 357-360.
106. Cerri J., Mori E., Zozzoli R., Gigliotti A., Chirco A., Bertolino S. (2020). Managing invasive Siberian chipmunks Eutamias sibiricus in Italy: a matter of attitudes and risk of dispersal. Biological Invasions 22: 603-616.
107. Mori E., Sangiovanni G., Corlatti L. (2020). Gimme shelter: the effects of rock and moonlight on occupancy and activity pattern of an endangered rodent, the garden dormouse Eliomys quercinus. Behavioural Processes 170: 103999.
108. Loy A., Aloise G., Ancillotto L., Angelici F.M., Bertolino S., Capizzi D., Castiglia R., Colangelo P., Contoli L., Cozzi B., Fontaneto D., Lapini L., Maio N., Monaco A., Mori E., Nappi A., Podestà M., Russo D., Sarà M., Scandura M., Amori G. (2019). Mammals of Italy: an annotated checklist. Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 30: 87-106.
109. Mazza G., Marraccini D., Mori E., Priori S., Marianelli L., Roversi P.F., Gargani E. (2020). Assessment of color response and activity rhythms of the invasive black planthopper Ricania speculum (Walker, 1851) using sticky traps. Bulletin of Entomological Research 110: 480-486.
110. Colombo M., Mori E. (2020). The corpse bride strikes again: first report of the Davian behaviour in the Eurasian badger. Mammalia 84: 372-376.
111. Mori E., Menchetti M., Camporesi A., Cavigioli L., Tabarelli de Fatis K., Girardello M. (2019). License to kill? Domestic cats affect a wide range of native fauna in a highly biodiverse Mediterranean country. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7: 477.
112. Mori E., Malfatti L., Le Louarn M., Hernàndez-Brito D., ten Cate B., Ricci M., Menchetti M. (2020). “Some like it alien”: predation on invasive ring-necked parakeets by the long-eared owl in an urban area. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 43: 151-158.
113. Mori E., Lovari S., Cozzi F., Gabbrielli C., Giari C., Torniai L., Romeo G., Ferretti F., Fattorini N. (2020). Safety or satiety? Spatiotemporal behaviour of a threatened herbivore. Mammalian Biology 100: 49-61.
114. Mori E., Onorati G., Giuntini S. (2020). Loud callings limit human tolerance towards invasive parakeets in urban areas. Urban Ecosystems 23: 755-760.
115. Lovari S., Fattorini N., Calosi M., Cozzi F., Gabbrielli C., Giari C., Torniai L., Romeo G., Mori E. (2020). Spatial behaviour of the Apennine hare: are females territorial? Ethology 126: 839-843.
116. Mori E., Ferretti F., Lagrotteria A., La Greca L., Solano E., Fattorini N. (2020). Impact of wild boar on small forest-dwelling rodents. Ecological Research 35: 675-681.
117. Lazzeri L., Senini C., Mori E. (2020). Interspecific aggressions between crested porcupines and roe deer. Animals 10: 623.
118. Ancillotto L., Bosso L., Smeraldo S., Mori E., Mazza G., Herkt M., Galimberti A., Ramazzotti F., Russo D. (2020). An African bat in Europe, Plecotus gaisleri: Biogeographic and ecological insights from molecular taxonomy and species distribution models. Ecology and Evolution, 10: 5785-5800.
119. Andreoni A., Augugliaro C., Dartora F., Mori E. (2021). Diel activity patterns and overlap between Eurasian red squirrels and Siberian chipmunks in native and introduced ranges. Ethology Ecology & Evolution 33: 83-89.
120. Mori E., Andreoni A., Cecere F., Magi M., Lazzeri L. (2020). Patterns of activity rhythms of invasive coypus Myocastor coypus inferred through camera-trapping. Mammalian Biology, 100: 591-599.
121. Mori E., Ficetola G.F., Bartolomei R., Capobianco G., Varuzza P., Falaschi M. (2021). How the South was won: current and potential range expansion of the crested porcupine in Southern Italy. Mammalian Biology 101: 11-19.
122. Torrini G., Paoli F., Mazza G., Simoncini S., Strangi A., Guidotti A., Mori E., Roversi P.F., Marianelli L. (2020). First detection of Bursaphelenchus abietinus and B. andrassyi in Italy. Forest Pathology 50: e12627.
123. Manenti R., Mori E., Di Canio V., Mercurio S., Picone M., Caffi M., Brambilla M., Ficetola G.F., Rubolini D. (2020). The good, the bad and the ugly of COVID-19 lockdown effects on wildlife conservation: insights from the first European locked down country. Biological Conservation 249: 108728.
124. Mazza G., Nerva L., Strangi A., Mori E., Chitarra W., Carapezza A., Mei M., Marianelli L., Roversi P.R., Campanaro A., Cianferoni F. (2020). Scent of jasmine attracts alien invaders and records on citizen science platforms: multiple introductions of the invasive lacebug Corythauma ayyari (Drake, 1933) (Heteroptera: Tingidae) in Italy and the Mediterranean basin. Insects 11: 620.
125. Lovari S., Mori E., Procaccio E.L. (2020). On the behavioural biology of the mainland serow: a comparative study. Animals 10: 1669.
126. Milanesi P., Mori E., Menchetti M. (2020). Observer-oriented approach improves species distribution models from citizen science data. Ecology and Evolution, 10: 12104-12114.
127. Mori E., Brambilla M., Ramazzotti F., Ancillotto L., Mazza G., Russo D., Amori G., Galimberti A. (2020). In or out of the checklist? DNA barcoding and distribution modelling unveil a new species of Crocidura shrew for Italy. Diversity 12: 380.
128. Mori E., Lazzeri L. (2021). Does wild boar rooting affect spatial distribution of active burrows of meadow-dwelling voles? Biologia 76: 981-986.
129. Bertolino S., Ancillotto L., Bartolommei P., Benassi G., Capizzi D., Gasperini S., Lucchesi M., Mori E., Scillitani L., Sozio G., Falaschi M., Ficetola G.F., Cerri J., Genovesi P., Carnevali L., Loy A., Monaco A. (2020). A framework for prioritising present and potentially invasive mammal species for a national list. NeoBiota 62: 31-54.
130. Cerri J., Procaccio E.L., Ferretti M., Mori E. (2020). Modernization-induced socio-economic changes and their effect over the spatial distribution of recreational hunting and volunteering with animals. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 26: 401-410.
131. Mori E., Di Gregorio M., Mazza G., Ficetola G.F. (2021). Seasonal consumption of insects by the crested porcupine in Central Italy. Mammalia 85: 231-235.
132. Mezzetto D., Dartora F., Mori E. (2021). Feeding plasticity and temporal behaviour of the alien American mink in Europe. Acta Oecologica 110: 103700.
133. Mori E., Paniccia C., Munkhstog B., Cicero M., Augugliaro C. (2021). Temporal overlap among small-mammals in a grassland and a forest-alpine meadow of Central Asia. Mammalian Biology 101: 153-162.
134. Senczuk G., Gramolini L., Avella I., Mori E., Menchetti M., Aloise G., Castiglia R. (2021). No association between candidate genes for colour determination and color phenotype in Hierophis viridiflavus, and characterization of a contact zone. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 59: 748-759.
135. Viviano A., Amori G., Luiselli L., Oebel H., Bahleman F., Mori E. (2020). Blessing the rains down in Africa: spatiotemporal behaviour of the crested porcupine Hystrix cristata (Mammalia: Rodentia) in the rainy and dry seasons, in the African savannah. Tropical Zoology 33: 113-124.
136. Panzeri M., Mazza G., Bisi F., Mori E. (2021). Patterns of spatiotemporal activity of an alien lagomorph inferred through camera-trapping. Mammal Research 66: 281-288.
137. Mori E., Ferrari C. (2021). Inter-individual behavioural variation in the crested porcupine. Mammalia 85: 269-272.
138. Viviano A., Mori E., Fattorini N., Mazza G., Lazzeri L., Panichi A., Strianese L., Mohamed W.F. (2021). Spatiotemporal overlap between the European brown hare and its potential predators and competitors. Animals 11: 562.
139. Boncompagni L., Molfini M., Ciampelli P., Fazzi P., Lucchesi M., Mori E., Petralia L., Mazza G. (2021). No country for native crayfish: importance of crustaceans in the diet of native and alien Northern raccoons. Ethology, Ecology and Evolution 33: 576-590.
140. Salinas-Ramos V.B., Mori E., Bosso L., Ancillotto L., Russo R. (2021). Three reasons cats should stay away from bats: predation, sublethal effects and zoonotic risks. Pathogens 10: 304.
141. Gargioni C., Monaco A., Ficetola G.F., Lazzeri L., Mori E. (2021). From the Andes to the Apennines: rise and fall of a free-ranging population of feral llamas. Animals 11: 857.
142. Mori E., Brunetti C., Carapelli A., Olmastroni S. (2021). Reliability of molecular sex identification in the Adèlie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) from DNA-poor samples. Waterbirds 43: 211-216.
143. Mori E., Brunetti C., Carapelli A., Burrini L., Fattorini N., Ferretti F., Olmastroni S. (2021). Genetic diversity in clustered colonies of an Antarctic marine mesopredator: a role for habitat quality? Antarctic Science 33: 233-242.
144. Luzi G., Mori E., Puddu G., Zapparoli M. (2021). Does the crested porcupine select coppice forest? Habitat preference and activity patterns of a large rodent in the Lago di Vico Natural Reserve. Mammalia 85: 355-361.
145. Nerva L., Iannucci A., Menchetti M., Andreoni A., Chitarra W., Martini M., Mueller N., Peters T.M.J., Pesenti E., Verbeylen G., Zozzoli R., Mori E. (2021). Where do Chip and Dale come from? Origins of invasive populations of the Siberian chipmunk in Europe. Mammal Research 66: 525-529.
146. Mori E., Lazzeri L., Ferretti F., Gordigiani L., Rubolini D. (2021). The wild boar Sus scrofa as a threat to ground-nesting species: an artificial nest experiment. Journal of Zoology 314: 311-320.
147. Menchetti M., Cianferoni F., Mazza G., Dal Cin M., Barbato D., Benocci A., Cervo R., Dapporto L., Picchi M.S., Vanni L., Cabrini R., Mori E. (2021). Checklist of macro-invertebrates of the Special Conservation Area “Poggi di Prata” (Grosseto, Central Italy) through a citizen-science and expert-based approach. Redia, 104: 63-68.
148. Cordeschi G., Peric T., Prandi A., Zoratto F., Mori E. (2021). Environmental variability and allostatic load in the Eurasian red squirrel Sciurus vulgaris. Rendiconti Lincei, Scienze Fisiche e Naturali 32: 437-448.
149. Mori E., Cicero M., Lovari S., Zaccaroni M., Salomoni S., Vendramin A., Augugliaro C. (2021). Occupancy and activity rhythms of the Siberian roe deer. Biologia 76: 2991-2999.
150. Sogliani D., Cerri J., Turetta R., Crema M., Corsini M., Mori E. (2021). Feral rabbit populations in a peri-urban area: insights about invasion dynamics and potential management strategies. European Journal of Wildlife Research 67: 60.
151. Cerri J., Mori E., Ancillotto L., Russo D., Bertolino S. (2022). COVID-19, media coverage of bats related Web searches: a turning point for bat conservation? Mammal Review 52: 16-25.
152. Gaudiano L., Pucciarelli L., Mori E. (2021). Livestock grazing affects movements and activity pattern of Italian roe deer in Southern Italy. European Journal of Wildlife Research 67:66.
153. Pucci C., Senserini D., Mazza G., Mori E. (2021). Reappearance of the Eurasian beaver Castor fiber L. in Tuscany (Central Italy): the success of unauthorised releases? Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 32: 182-185.
154. Hernandez-Brito D., Carrete M., Blanco G., Romero-Vidal P., Senar J.C., Mori E., White T.H., Luna A., Tella J.T. (2021). The role of monk parakeets as nest-site facilitators in their native and invaded areas. Biology 10: 683.
155. Bates A., Primack R., [345 authors, Mori E. = 95th], Duarte C.M. (2021). Global COVID-19 lockdown highlights humans as both threats and custodians of the environment. Biological Conservation 263: 109175.
156. Mori E., Magoga G., Panella M., Montagna M., Winsor L., Justine J.L., Menchetti M., Schifani E., Melone B., Mazza G. (2022). Discovering the Pandora’s box: the invasion of alien flatworms in Italy. Biological Invasions 24: 205-216.
157. Mori E., Fedele E., Greco I., Giampaoli Rustichelli M., Massolo A., Miniati S., Puppo F., Santini G., Zaccaroni M. (2022). Spatiotemporal activity of the pine marten Martes martes: insights from an island population. Ecological Research, 37: 102-114.
158. Mori E., Sogliani D., Senini C., Laurenzi A., Viviano A., Cianferoni F. (2021). Subspecific taxonomy of African porcupines Hystrix spp.: is there anything beyond the species level? Zootaxa 5047: 501-519.
159. Ferretti F., Lazzeri L., Mori E., Cesaretti G., Calosi M., Burrini L., Fattorini N. (2021). Habitat correlates of wild boar density and rooting along an environmental gradient. Journal of Mammalogy 102: 1536-1547.
160. Faraone F.P., Russotto S., Giacalone G., Lo Valvo M., Belardi I., Mori E. (2021). Food habits of the Javelin sand boa Eryx jaculus (Linnaeus 1758; Serpentes, Erycidae) in Sicily, Italy. Journal of Herpetology, 55: 452-458.
161. Franchini M., Mazza G., Mori E. (2022). First assessment of ectoparasite prevalence in Apennine populations of Eurasian red squirrel: does habitat fragmentation affect parasite presence? Ethology Ecology & Evolution, 34: 497-513.
162. Mori E., Viviano A., Brustenga L., Olivetti F., Peppucci L., Pucci C., Senserini D., Sergiacomi U., Spilinga C., Roversi P.F., Mazza G. (2021). Distribution and genetic analysis of wild-living Eurasian beavers in Central Italy. Redia 104: 209-215.
163. Cavallero S., Montalbano di Filippo M., Mori E., Viviano A., De Liberato C., Sforzi A., D’Amelio S., Berrilli F. (2021). Morphological and molecular characterization of Trichuris sp. (Nematoda: Hystricidae) in crested porcupines (Hystrix cristata; Rodentia: Hystricidae) from Italy. Diversity 13: 628.
164. Gordigiani L., Viviano A., Brivio F., Grignolio S., Lazzeri L., Marcon A., Mori E. (2022). Carried away by a moonlight shadow: activity of wild boar in relation to nocturnal light intensity. Mammal Research 67: 39-49.
165. McGaughran A., Mori E., Quilodran C.S. (2021). Editorial: the genomics of biological invasions. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9: 810817.
166. Pedruzzi L., Schertler A., Giuntini S., Leggiero I., Mori E. (2022). An update on the distribution of the coypu, Myocastor coypus, in Asia and Africa through published literature, citizen-science and online platforms. Mammalian Biology 102: 109-118.
167. Cayuela H., Lemaitre J.F., Léna J.P., Ronget V., Martinez-Solano I., Muths E., Pilliod D.S., Schmidt B.R., Sànchez-Montes G., Gutièrrez-Rodriguez J., Pyke G., Grossenbacher K., Lenzi O., Bosch J., Beard K.H., Woolbright L.L., Lambert B.A., Green D.M., Jreidini N., Garwood J.M., Fischer R.N., Matthews K., Dudgeon D., Lau A., Speybroek J., Homan R., Jehle R., Baskale E., Mori E., Arntzen J.W., Joly P., Stiles R.M., Lannoo M.J., Maerz J.C., Lowe W.H., Valenzuela-Sanchez A., Christiansen D.G., Angelini C., Thirion J.M., Merilä J., Colli G.R., Vasconcellos M.M., Boas T.C.V., Arantes I.D.C., Levionnois P., Reinke B.A., Vieira C., Marais G.A.B., Gaillard J.M., Miller D.A.W. (2022). Sex-related differences in aging rate are associated with sex chromosome systems in Amphibians. Evolution 76: 346-356.
168. Azzarà B., Cherin M., Adams J., Boschian G., Crotti M., Denys C., Fressoia L., Kimambo J.S., Kwekason A., Iurino D.A., Manzi G., Masao F.T., Melaku S., Menconero S., Mori E., Zipfel B. (2022). The thorny issue of African porcupines: a new mandible of Hystrix makapanensis from Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania) and rediagnosis of the species. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 29: 447-474.
169. Viviano A., Scarfò M., Mori E. (2022). Temporal partitioning between forest-dwelling small rodents in a Mediterranean deciduous woodland. Animals 12: 279.
170. Mori E., Bini A., Viviano A., Bartolommei P., Mazza G. (2022). Distribution of introduced American mink in the Northern Apennine area (Central Italy). Mammalia 86: 266-270.
171. Gaudiano L., Pucciarelli L., Frassanito A.G., Mori E., Morimando F., Silvestri F.M., Sorino R., Viviano A., Corriero G. (2022). Spatio-temporal behaviour of female wild boar in an agro-forestry-pastoral landscape of Southern Italy. Mammal Research 67: 163-172.
172. Franchini M., Viviano A., Frangini L., Filacorda S., Mori E. (2022). Crested porcupine (Hystrix cristata) abundance estimation using Bayesian methods: first data from a highly agricultural environment in Central Italy. Mammal Research 67: 187-197.
173. Ciprari E., Ancillotto L., Mori E., Studer V., Chessa C. (2022). Rescue data as an alternative for assessing trends and phenological changes in two invasive parakeet species. Urban Ecosystems 25: 1199-1206.
174. Magory-Cohen T., Hauber M.E., Akriotis T., Crochet P.A., Karris G., Kirschel A.N.G., Khouri F., Menchetti M., Mori E., Per E., Reino L., Saavedra S., Santana J, Dor R (2022). Accelerated avian invasion into the Mediterranean region endangers biodiversity and mandates international collaboration. Journal of Applied Ecology 59: 1440-1455.
175. Mori E., Carbone R., Viviano A., Calosi M., Fattorini N. (2022). Factors affecting spatiotemporal behaviour in the European brown hare Lepus europaeus: a meta-analysis. Mammal Review 52: 454-470.
176. Giovannelli F., Mori E., Zaccaroni M., Dessì-Fulgheri F., Baratti M. (2022). Genetic insights into an Apennine population of the Italian red deer. Mammal Research 67: 399-406.
177. Mori E., Magoga G., Mazza G. (2022). New records based on citizen-science report alien land planarians in the three remaining Italian regions and Pantelleria island, and first record of Dolichoplana striata (Platyhelminthes Tricladida Continenticola Geoplanidae) in Italy. Redia 105: 91-95.
178. Reinke B.A., Cayuela H., Janzen F.J., Lemaitre J.F., Gaillard J.M., Lawing A.M., Iverson J.B., Christiansen D.G., Martinez-Solano I., Sanchez-Montes G., Gutierrez-Rodriguez J., Rose F.L., Nelson N., Keall S., Crivelli A.J., Nazirides T., Grimm-Seyfarth A., Henle K., Mori E., Guiller G., Homan R., Olivier A., Muths E., Hossack B.R., Bonnet X., Pilliod D.S., Lettnik M., Whitaker T., Schmidt B.R., Gardner M.G., Cheylan M., Poitevin F., Golubovic A., Tomovic L., Arsovski D., Griffiths R.A., Arntzen J.W., Baron J.B., Le Galliard J.F., Tully T., Luiselli L., Capula M., Rugiero L., McCaffery R., Eby L.A., Briggs-Gonzalez V., Mazzotti F., Pearson D., Lambert B.A., Green D.M., Jreidini N., Angelini C., Pyke G., Thirion J.M., Joly P., Lena J.P., Tucker A.D., Limpus C., Priol P., Besnard A., Bernard P., Stanford K., King R., Garwood J., Bosch J., Souza F.L., Bertoluci J., Famelli S., Grossenbacher K., Lenzi O., Matthews K., Boitaud S., Olson D.H., Jessop T.S., Gillespie G.R., Clobert J., Richard M., Valenzuela-Sanchez A., Fellers G.M., Kleeman P.M., Halstead B.J., Campbell Grant E.H., Byrne P.G., Fretey T., Le Garff B., Levionnois P., Maerz J.C., Pichenot J., Olgun K., Uzum N., Avci A., Miaud C., Elmberg J., Brown G.P., Shine R., Bendik N.F., O’Donnell L., Davis C.L., Lannoo M.J., Stiles R.M., Cox R.M., Reedy A.M., Warner D.A., Bonnaire E., Grayson K., Ramos-Targarona R., Baskale E., Munoz D., Measey J., Andre de Villiers F., Selman W., Ronget V., Bronikowski A.M., Miller D.A.W. (2022). Diverse aging rates in ectothermic tetrapods provide insigthts for the evolution of aging and longevity. Science, 376: 1459-1466.
179. Mori E., Andreone F., Viviano A., Faraone F.P., Di Nicola M.R., Borri B., Bruni G., Mazza G., Banchi R., Zaccaroni M., Mezzadri S., Baratti M. (2022). Aliens coming by ships: distribution and origins of the ocellated skink populations in peninsular Italy. Animals 12: 1709.
180. Lazzeri L., Fazzi P., Lucchesi M., Mori E., Velli E., Cappai N., Ciuti F., Ferretti F., Fonda F., Paniccia C., Pavanello M., Pecorella S., Sangiuliano A., Sforzi A., Siclari A., Spada A. (2022). The rhythm of the night: patterns of activity of the European wildcat in the Italian peninsula. Mammalian Biology 102: 1769-1782.
181. Mori E., Mazza G., Pucci C., Senserini D., Campbell-Palmer R., Contaldo M., Viviano A. (2022). Temporal activity patterns of the Eurasian beaver and coexisting species in a Mediterranean ecosystem. Animals 12: 1961.
182. Mori E., Viviano A., Mazzotti S., Sogliani D., Bini A., Baratti M. (2022). Unveiling the genetic diversity of declining population of the harvest mouse Micromys minutus in Italy. Diversity 14: 627.
183. Mori E., Molteni R., Ancillotto L., Ficetola G.F., Falaschi M. (2022). Spatial ecology of crested porcupine in a metropolitan landscape. Urban Ecosystems 25: 1797-1803.
184. Giuntini S., Ancillotto L., Falaschi M., Viviano A., Palagi E., Mori E. (2022). Alien parakeets as a potential threat to the common noctule Nyctalus noctula. Biodiversity and Conservation 31: 3075-3092.
185. Fedele E., Mori E., Giampaoli Rustichelli M., Del Sala F., Giannini F., Meriggi M., Santini G., Zaccaroni M. (2022). Alien versus alien: spatiotemporal overlaps among introduced ungulates in a Mediterranean island ecosystem. Mammalian Biology 102: 1981-1995.
186. Viviano A., Huffman M.A., Senini C., Mori E. (2022). Do porcupines self-medicate? The seasonal consumption of plants with antiparasitic properties coincides with that of parasite infections in Hystrix cristata in Central Italy. European Journal of Wildlife Research 68: 72.
187. Mazza G., Mori E. (2022). Solitary, in the night, it goes: summary of records and range expansion of the common genet in Italy. Mammalia 87: 29-33.
188. Mori E., Viviano A., Scarfò M., Preti F., Pucci C., Ciuti F., Giovannelli A., Traversi M.T., Senserini D., Mazza G. (2022). Bark stripping behaviour by a large-sized rodent, the crested porcupine, as an adaptation to climate change. Biologia 77: 3525-3529.
189. Viviano A., Mazza G., Di Lorenzo T., Mori E. (2022). Housed in a lodge: occurrence of animal species within Eurasian beaver constructions in Central Italy. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 68: 75.
190. Pecorella S., Mori E. (2023). “Brown hare never goes underground”: the exception that proves the rule. Mammalia 87: 52-55.
191. Milana G., Viviano A., Mori E. (2023). Porcupines in Italian islands: update on the distribution of Hystrix cristata in Sardinia. Mammalia 87: 162-165.
192. Mori E., Rustici P., Dapporto L., Pasquali L., Petrucci F., Mazza G. (2023). Invasions by the palm borer moth Paysandisia archon in Italy and assessment of its trophic spectrum. Biological Invasions 25: 1373-1386.
193. Mammola S., Fukushima C.S., Biondo G., Bongiorni L., Cianferoni F., Domenici P., Fruciano C., Lo Giudice A., Macìas-Hernandez N., Malumbres-Olarte J., Milicic M., Morganti M., Mori E., Munèvar A., Pollegioni P., Rosati I., Tenan S., Urbano-Tenorio F., Fontaneto D., Cardoso P. (2023). How much biodiversity is concealed in the word “biodiversity”? Current Biology 33: R41-R60.
194. Monti F., Baratti M., Viviano A., Mori E. (2023). Ticks in the box: Argas persicus occurrence in nest boxes of secondary cavity-nesting bird species in Italy. European Journal of Wildlife Research 69: 23.
195. Balestrieri R., Vento R., Viviano A., Mori E., Gili C., Monti F. (2023). Razorbills Alca torda in Italian seas: a massive irruption of historical relevance and role of social network monitoring. Animals 13: 656.
196. Pecorella S., Viviano A., Lapini L., Mori E. (2023). The raccoon dog Nyctereutes procyonoides in Italy: a review of confirmed occurrences. Mammalia,
197. Pecorella S., De Luca M., Fonda F., Viviano A., Candelotto M., Candotto S., Mori E., Banea O. (2023). First record of allonursing in golden jackal (Canis aureus, L. 1758): a case of double breeding and communal denning within the same social unit. European Journal of Wildlife Research 69: 43.
198. Paoli F., Iovinella I., Barbieri F., Sciandra C., Sabbatini-Peverieri G., Mazza G., Torrini G., Barzanti G.P., Benvenuti C., Strangi A., Bosio G., Mori E., Roversi P.F., Marianelli L. (2023). Effectiveness of field-exposed attract-and-kill devices against the adults of Popillia japonica (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae): a study on duration, form and storage. Pest Management Science 79: 3262-3270.
199. Ancillotto L., Viviano A., Baratti M., Sogliani D., Ladurner E., Mori E. (2023). Every branch in its niche: intraspecific variation in habitat suitability of a widely distributed small mammal, the harvest mouse Micromys minutus. Mammal Research
200. Capobianco G., Viviano A., Mazza G., Cimorelli G., Casciano A., Lagrotteria A., Fusillo R., Marcelli M., Mori E. (2023). “Oops…a beaver again!”. Eurasian beaver Castor fiber recorded by citizen science in new areas of Central and Southern Italy. Animals 13: 1699.
201. Dueker S., Willows-Munro S., Perrin M.R., Abebe Y.D., Annorbah N.N.D., Mwangi E.W., Madindou I.R., Tekalign W., Mori E., Mzumara T.I., Brown C., Bryson U., Ndithia H., Dodman T., van der Zwan H., van der Sluis R., Phiri C.R., Karimanzira A., Martin R.O. (2023). Conservation status and threats to lovebirds: knowledge gaps and research priorities. Ostrich 94: 1-27.
202. Santilli F., Viviano A., Mori E. (2023). Dietary habits of the European brown hare: summary of knowledge and management relapses. Ethology, Ecology & Evolution, DOI: 10.1080/03949370.2023.2213200
203. Viviano A., D’Amico M., Mori E. (2023). Aliens on the road: surveying wildlife roadkill to assess the risk of biological invasions. Biology 12: 850.
204. Viviano A., Auster R.E., Mazza G., Lagrotteria A., Pucci C., Senserini D., Campbell-Palmer R., Needham R., Curci D., Mori E. (2023). Eurasian beavers in Central Italy: perceptions in the local community. The Science of Nature 110: 30.
205. Bruni G., Mori E., Balestrieri R. (2023). First record of interspecific breeding among redstart species. Bird Study
206. Mori E., Touloupakis E., Viviano A., Mazza G. (2023). Opening a gate to shade some light: alien land planarians in the Eastern Mediterranean and Northern Africa. Zootaxa 5319: 295-300.
207. Castiglia R., Rotondi C., Aloise G., Amori G., Annesi F., Solano E., Mori E. (2023). A first attempt to track the genetic signature of colonization of the Mediterranean basin by the pigmy white-toothed shrew, Suncus etruscus (Eulipotyphla, Soricidae). Mammal Research,
208. Di Febbraro M., Bosso L., Fasola M., Santicchia F., Aloise G., Lioy S., Tricarico E., Ruggieri L., Bovero S., Mori E., Bertolino S. (2023). Different facets of the same niche: integrating citizen-science and scientific survey data to predict biological invasion risk under multiple global change drivers. Global Change Biology Doi: 10.1111/gcb.16901
209. Ramello G., Delfino M., Mori E., Viviano A., Pavia G., Carnevale G., Pavia M. (2023). Holocene vertebrate assemblages provide the first evidence for the presence of the barn owl (Tytonidae, Tyto alba) on Socotra Island (Yemen). Geobios
210. Trentanovi G., Viviano A., Mazza G., Busignani L., Magherini E., Giovannelli E., Traversi M.L., Mori E. (2023). Riparian forest throwback at the Eurasian beaver era: a woody vegetation assessment for Mediterranean regions. Biodiversity and Conservation

Without Impact Factor

1. Mori E., Maggini I. (2011). Osservazione di un culbianco Oenanthe oenanthe in provincia di Grosseto a febbraio. Alula, 18 (1-2): 150-151.
2. Mori E., Giovani A. (2012). Local extinction of Bombina pachypus Bonaparte, 1838 in three stations: a 17 years survey in pSCI “Poggi di Prata” (Southern Tuscany, Italy). Herpetology Notes, 5: 407-410.
3. Mori E., Plebani M. (2012) First records of Moorish gecko Tarentola mauritanica and Turkish gecko Hemidactylus turcicus (Squamata, Gekkonidae) in the Southern Metalliferous Hills, Tuscany, Italy. Atti della Società Toscana di Scienze Naturali, 119: 51-54.
4. Vannini A., Menchetti M., Mori E. (2013). L’avifauna del SIC “Poggi di Prata” (Grosseto, Italia Centrale): analisi faunistica, quantitativa e considerazioni sulla gestione ambientale del sito. Alula, 20 (1-2): 101-112.
5. Cantini M., Menchetti M., Vannini A., Bruni G., Borri B., Mori E. (2013). Checklist of Amphibians and Reptiles in a hilly area of Southern Tuscany (Central Italy): an update. Herpetology Notes, 6: 223-228.
6. Dutto M., Rinaudo S., Moino G., Mori E. (2014). Primi dati sulla presenza di Hystrix cristata Linnaeus, 1758 (Mammalia, Rodentia, Hystricidae) nel Piemonte sud occidentale (nord-ovest Italia). Biologia Ambientale, 28 (1): 90-93.
7. Bruni G., Menchetti M., Ricciardi G., Vannini A., Mori E. (2014) An unexpected case of heterospecific altruistic behaviour in a non-breeding migrant tern (Charadriformes, Sternidae). Ornis Hungarica, 22 (1): 76-80.
8. Mori E., Bruni G., Domeneghetti D., Menchetti M. (2013). Pelophylax synklepton hispanicus on the branches of a tree: description of an unusual behaviour. Herpetology Notes 6: 515-517.
9. Mori E., Menchetti M., Mazza G., Scalisi M. (2014) A new area of occurrence of an endemic Italian hare inferred by camera trapping. Bollettino del Museo Civico di Scienze Naturali di Torino, 30 (1-2): 123-130.
10. Mori E., Menchetti M. (2014). “Sometimes they come back”: citizen science reveals the presence of the Italian red squirrel in Campania. Quaderni del Museo di Storia Naturale di Ferrara, 2: 91-94.
11. Chiodo E., Mori E. (2015). Nuove segnalazioni di istrice Hystrix cristata in Piemonte, con particolare riferimento alla provincia di Torino. Rivista Piemontese di Storia Naturale, 36: 257-262.
12. Menchetti M., Ancillotto L., Russo D., Bertolino S., Mori E. (2015). New records of the alien invasive Harmonia axyridis (Pallas, 1773) in Italy (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Onychium 11: 139-142.
13. Menchetti M., Mori E., Ceccolini F., Paggetti E., Pizzocaro L., Cianferoni F. (2016). New occurrences of the alien invasive species Harmonia axyridis (Pallas, 1773) in Southern Italy (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Onychium 12: 137-139.
14. Pârâu L.G., Strubbe D., Mori E., Menchetti M., Ancillotto L., van Kleunen A., White R.L., Hernàndez-Brito D., Le Louarn M., Clergeau P., Albayrak T., Franz D., Braun M.P., Schroeder J., Wink M. (2016). Rose-ringed parakeet Psittacula krameri populations and numbers in Europe: a complete overview. The Open Ornithology Journal 9: 1-13.
15. Mori E., Amerini R., Mazza G., Bertolino S., Battiston R., Sforzi A., Menchetti M. (2016). Alien shades of grey: new occurrences and relevant spread of Sciurus carolinensis in Italy. European Journal of Ecology, 2: 13-20.
16. Mori E., Mazza G., Menchetti M. (2018). Danni all’agricoltura da parrocchetti naturalizzati. L’Informatore Agrario 2: 62-63.
17. Agnelli P., Bellini L., Vanni S., Chiti-Batelli A., Sposimo P., Mori E. (2019). Checklist of terrestrial vertebrates of a northern Apennines of conservation concern (Prati di Logarghena-Valle del Caprio, province of Massa-Carrara). Quaderni del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Ferrara 7: 51-59.
18. Sforzi A., Angiolini C., Bacaro G., Baini M., Bartolommei P., Bastianini M., Benocci A., Biagini G., Bonari G., Bonini I., Bruni G., Cantini D., Chelazzi L., Chiarucci A., Cianferoni F., Dondini G., Dragonetti M., Fanciulli P.P., Fastelli P., Ferretti F., Gasperini G., Giovacchini P., Landi S., Letardi A., Maccherini S., Marcelli M., Martelli A., Menchetti M., Mori E., Nappini S., Perini C., Pezzo F., Porciani M., Radi G., Rizzo Pinna V., Vergari S., Vitillo C. (2019a). Bioblitz 2013-2014 Oasi di San Felice. Atti del Museo di Storia Naturale della Maremma 24: 11-43.
19. Sforzi A., Bastianini M., Benocci A., Bonari G., Canovai R., Cantini D., Chelazzi L., Chiodini E., Cianferoni F., Colombini I., De Dominicis V., Fanciulli P.P., Fastelli P., Ferretti F., Forbicioni L., Lenzini L., Letardi A., Marcelli M., Martelli A., Martelli C., Menchetti M., Montioni F., Mori E., Nappini S., Perini C., Pezzo F., Porciani M., Radi G., Rizzo Pinna V., Selvi F., Spilinga C., Vitillo C. (2019b). Bioblitz 2015 Torrente Trasubbie. Atti del Museo di Storia Naturale della Maremma 24: 45-76.
20. Sforzi A., Bastianini M., Benocci A., Bonari G., Bruni G., Canovai R., Cantini D., Chelazzi L., Chiodini E., Cianferoni F., Colombini I., Fanciulli P.P., Fastelli P., Forbicioni L., Lenzini L., Letardi A., Marcelli M., Martelli C., Monterastelli E., Monti F., Mori E., Nappini S., Paoli L., Petruzzi E., Porciani M., Rizzo Pinna V., Selvi F., Zuffi M., Vitillo C. (2019c). Bioblitz 2016 Lago dell’Accesa. Atti del Museo di Storia Naturale della Maremma 24: 77-111.
21. Bini A., Cecere F., Rossetti G., Leandri F., Mori E. (2020). Il ruolo dei micromammiferi nella dieta invernale del gufo comune nella Pianura Padana Cremonese. Quaderni del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Ferrara 8: 93-99.
22. Viganò M., Ancillotto L., Agnelli P., Ficetola G.F., Mori E. (2020). Frequency of occurrence and ingested biomass of different prey of the barn owl Tyto alba in an island ecosystem. Birds 1: 5-12.
23. Sensi M., Mazza G., Mori E., Esattore B. (2020). Valutazione ambientale del Fiume Merse (Toscana) associata a campionamenti del granchio di fiume Potamon fluviatile. Atti della Società Toscana di Scienze Naturali, Memorie Serie B 127: 121-126.
24. Mori E., Saavedra S., Menchetti M., Assandri G. (2020). Past and present distribution of the common myna Acridotheres tristis in Italy: a review. Avocetta 44: 32-36.
25. Viviano A., Mori E. (2021). Population counts and potential impact of two successful invaders in a town of Northern Italy: the case of ring-necked parakeet and Alexandrine parakeet in Reggio Emilia. Natural History Sciences 8: 35-40.
26. Viviano A., Mori E., Corradetti M. (2021). Istrice, strategie preventive per ridurre i danni alle colture. L’Informatore Agrario 19: 2-3.
27. Marrone F., Alfonso G., Barbagallo R., Brandmayr P., Bruni G., Costa S., Farina G., Gerecke R., Iannarelli A., Mazza G., Mazzei A., Menchetti M., Moretti V., Mori E., Novaga R., Pecoraro M., Schifani E., Stoch F., Vecchioni L. (2021). New distributional data for the Mediterranean medicinal leech Hirudo verbana Carena, 1820 (Hirudinea, Hirudinidae) in Italy, with a note on its feeding on amphibians. Biogeographia 36: a007.
28. Viviano A., Mori E. (2021). Aliens in their native country: the case of the Alpine marmot Marmota marmota (Linnaeus, 1758) (Mammalia, Rodentia) in the Apennine ridge. Biogeographia 36: s007.
29. Giuntini S., Ancillotto L., Mori E., Viviano A. (2021). The Alexandrine parakeet Psittacula eupatria as a naturalized breeding species: a proposal of integration to the national official checklist. Avocetta 45: 177-179.
30. Sciandra C., Mori E., Solano E., Mazza G., Viviano A., Scarfò M., Bona F., Annesi F., Castiglia R. (2022). Mice on the borders: genetic identification of rat and house mouse species in Lampedusa and Pantelleria islands (Southern Italy). Biogeographia 37: a013.
31. Viviano A., Benvenuti C., Strangi A., Iovinella I., Mazza G., Barzanti G.P., Torrini G., Simoncini S., Sciandra C., Roversi P.F., Barbieri F., Mori E. (2022). Preliminary assessment of entomopathogenic fungi and nematodes in hot springs in central Italy with the first record of Pristionchus uniformis for the country, Biogeographia 37: a017.
32. Di Nicola M.R., Costa W., Mori E. (2022). An evidence of asp viper (Vipera aspis) consumption by a western European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) on Elba island (Italy). Natural History Sciences 9: 35-38.
33. Mori E., Viviano A., Mazza G., Lazzeri L. (2022). Is the grey wolf a potential predator of Eurasian beavers in Central Italy? Gortania 44: 73-78.

Book chapters

1. Sposimo P., Corbi F., Mori E. (2014) Pollo sultano asiatico Porphyrio porphyria poliocephalus. In: Monaco A., (a cura di), 2014. Alieni: la minaccia delle specie alloctone per la biodiversità del Lazio. Palombi Editore, Roma: 232-233.
2. Menchetti M., Mori E., Angelici F.M. (2016). Effects of the recent world invasion by ring-necked parakeets Psittacula krameri. In: Angelici F.M. (ed.) Problematic wildlife. A cross-disciplinary approach. Springer, New York: 253–266.
3. Paoloni D., Aloise G., Bertolino S., Bisi F., Carpino F., Mori E., Sarà M., Scaravelli D. (2014). Soricomorfi, lagomorfi e roditori. In: Genovesi P, Angelini P., Duprè E., Ercole S., Giacanelli V., Ronchi F., Stoch F. Specie ed habitat di interesse comunitario in Italia: distribuzione, stato di conservazione e trend. ISPRA, Serie Rapporti, 194/2014: 179-183.
4. Mori E., Mazza G., Lovari S. (2017). Sexual dimorphism. In: Vonk J., Shackleford T.K. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behaviour. Springer Edition, New York: 1-7.
5. Mori E., Meini S., Strubbe D., Ancillotto L., Sposimo P., Menchetti M. (2018). Do alien free-ranging birds affect human health? A global summary of known zoonoses. In: Mazza G., Tricarico E. (eds.) Invasive species and human health. CABI International Edition, New York: 120-129.
6. Mori E., Brugnoli A. (2019). Istrice. In: Deflorian M.C., Caldonazzi M., Zanghellini S., Pedrni P. (eds.) Atlante dei Mammiferi della provincia di Trento. Monografie del Museo delle Scienze 6: 208-209.
7. Mori E., Menchetti M. (2021). The Ecological Impacts of introduced parrots. In: Pruett-Jones S (eds.) Naturalized parrots of the world. Distribution, ecology, and impacts of the world’s most colorful colonizers. Princeton University Press, New Jersey, USA: 87-101.
8. Mori E., Viviano A., Ancillotto L. (2021). Psittacula eupatria. In: Invasive Species Compendium. Wallingford, UK: CAB International.
9. Mori E. (2022). Parrocchetto monaco Myiopsitta monachus. In: Lardelli R., Bogliani G., Brichetti P., Caprio E., Celada C., Conca C., Fraticelli F., Gustin M., Janni O., Pedrini P., Puglisi L., Rubolini D., Ruggieri L., Spina F., Tinarelli R., Calvi G., Brambilla M. (Eds.) Atlante degli Uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Edizioni Belvedere, Latina, Italy, pp. 340-341.
10. Mori E. (2022). Parrocchetto dal collare Psittacula krameri. In: Lardelli R., Bogliani G., Brichetti P., Caprio E., Celada C., Conca C., Fraticelli F., Gustin M., Janni O., Pedrini P., Puglisi L., Rubolini D., Ruggieri L., Spina F., Tinarelli R., Calvi G., Brambilla M. (Eds.) Atlante degli Uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Edizioni Belvedere, Latina, Italy, pp. 342-343.
11. Santolini E., Mori E., Lucchesi M., Lovari S. (2022). Biologia e gestione. Il caso dell’oasi di protezione di Torriana Montebello. In: Santolini R. (Eds.) Oasi di Torriana e Montebello. Valore ed etica di un territorio. Quaderno di Studi e Notizie di Storia Naturale della Romagna. Lithos Arti Grafiche Editions, Rimini, Italia, pp. 167-179.


1. Fazzi P., Mori E. (2018) Mammiferi Italiani, istruzioni per l’uso. Edizioni Belvedere, Latina, Italy.

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Associazione Teriologica Italiana ETS
Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie "Charles Darwin"
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