
Danilo Russo

GIRCWildlife Research Unit - Dipartimento di Agraria - Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II"


Il prof. Danilo Russo è professore ordinario di Ecologia presso il Dipartimento di Agraria dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II e honorary professor dell’Università di Bristol (UK), presso la quale ha svolto il suo PhD. I suoi interessi sono diversificati e comprendono la selezione dell’habitat, la partizione delle risorse, l’ecologia sensoriale, il comportamento sociale, la biologia evoluzionistica, la biogeografia e l’ecologia delle invasioni. Le ricerche del prof. Russo riguardano sovente i chirotteri, ma anche altri organismi che possano fungere da modello per esplorare i temi che gli sono cari. Dal 2019 al 2023 è stato chair dell’Advisory Committee della Convenzione UNEP EUROBATS ed è anche stato chair del management committee dell’Azione COST CLIMBATS (CA18107). Il prof. Russo è editor in chief di una delle riviste scientifiche di punta del panorama zoologico internazionale, Mammal Review. Ha pubblicato circa 170 articoli su riviste scientifiche internazionali di alto profilo, tra cui Current Biology, Nature Communications, Ecology Letters e Biological Reviews e ha un Hindex = 48 (al 26 settembre 2023). Ha condotto lavoro di campo in numerose regioni del globo e in molteplici ecosistemi, come le foreste pluviali africane, i deserti israeliani e le faggete vetuste italiane. I suoi studi sono stati ripresi dalle principali testate internazionali e nazionali, come Nature, Science, New Scientist, National Geographic, BBC, New York Times, The Economist, the Independent, The Telegraph, SkyNews, Repubblica.


1. Aronne G. & RUSSO D. (1997). Carnivorous mammals as seed dispersers of Myrtus communis (Myrtaceae) in the Mediterranean shrublands. Plant Biosystems 131: 189- 195. [ISSN: 11263504]

2. RUSSO D. & Jones G. (1999). The social calls of Kuhl’s pipistrelles Pipistrellus kuhlii (Kuhl, 1819): structure and variation (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae). Journal of Zoology 249: 476-481 [ISSN: 09528369]

3. RUSSO D. & Jones G. (2000). The two cryptic species of Pipistrellus pipistrellus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) occur in Italy: evidence from echolocation and social calls. Mammalia, 64: 187-197 [ISSN: 00251461]

4. RUSSO D., Jones G. & Mucedda, M. (2001). Influence of age, sex and body size on echolocation calls of Mediterranean and Mehely’s horseshoe bats, Rhinolophus euryale and R. mehelyi (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae) Mammalia 65: 429-436 [ISSN: 00251461]

5. RUSSO D. & Jones G. (2002). Identification of twenty–two bat species (Mammalia: Chiroptera) from Italy by analysis of time-expanded recordings of echolocation calls. Journal of Zoology 258: 91-103 [ISSN: 09528369]

6. RUSSO D. (2002). Elevation affects the distribution of the two sexes in Daubenton’s bats Myotis daubentonii (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) from Italy. Mammalia 66: 543-551 [ISSN: 00251461]

7. RUSSO D., Jones G. & Migliozzi A. (2002). Habitat selection by the Mediterranean horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus euryale (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae) in a rural area of southern Italy and implications for conservation. Biological Conservation 107: 71-81. [ISSN: 0006-3207]

8. RUSSO D. & Jones G. (2003). Use of foraging habitats by bats in a Mediterranean area determined by acoustic surveys: conservation implications. Ecography 26: 197-209. [ISSN: 0906-7590]

9. RUSSO D., Cistrone L., Jones G. & Mazzoleni S. (2004). Roost selection by barbastelle bats (Barbastella barbastellus, Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in beech woodlands of central Italy: consequences for conservation. Biological Conservation 117: 73-81. [ISSN: 0006-3207]

10. RUSSO D., Cistrone L. & Jones, G (2005). Spatial and temporal patterns of roost use by tree-dwelling barbastelle bats Barbastella barbastellus. Ecography 28: 769-776. [ISSN: 0906-7590]

11. RUSSO D., Almenar D., Aihartza J., Goiti U., Salsamendi E & Garin I. (2005). Habitat selection in sympatric Rhinolophus mehelyi and R. euryale (Mammalia: Chiroptera). Journal of Zoology 266: 327-332 [ISSN: 09528369]

12. Moreira F. & RUSSO D. (2007). Modelling the impact of agricultural abandonment and wildfires on vertebrate diversity in Mediterranean Europe. Landscape Ecology 22: 1461-1476. [ISSN: 0921-2973]

13. RUSSO D., Jones G. & Arlettaz R. (2007). Echolocation and passive listening by foraging mouse-eared bats Myotis myotis and M. blythii. Journal of Experimental Biology 210: 166-176 [ISSN: 00220949]

14. RUSSO D., Cistrone L. & Jones, G (2007). Emergence time in forest bats: the influence of canopy closure. Acta Oecologica 31: 119-126 [ISSN: 1146609X]

15. Biscardi S., RUSSO D., Casciani V., Cesarini D., Mei M. & Boitani L. (2007). Foraging requirements of the endangered long-fingered bat: the influence of micro-habitat structure, water quality and prey type. Journal of Zoology 273: 372-381 [ISSN: 09528369]

16. Davy, C.M., RUSSO D. & Fenton M.B. (2007). Use of native woodlands and traditional olive groves by foraging bats on a Mediterranean island: consequences for conservation. Journal of Zoology 273: 397-405 [ISSN: 09528369]

17. RUSSO D., Mucedda M., Bello M., Biscardi S., Pidinchedda E. & Jones G. (2007). Divergent echolocation call frequencies in insular rhinolophids (Chiroptera): a case of character displacement? Journal of Biogeography 34: 2129-2138. [ISSN: 0305-0270]

18. Flaquer C., Puig-Montserrat X., Burgas A. & RUSSO D. (2008). Habitat selection by Geoffroy’s bats (Myotis emarginatus) in a rural Mediterranean landscape: implications for conservation. Acta Chiropterologica 10: 61-67 [ISSN: 15081109]

19. RUSSO D., Teixeira S., Cistrone L., Jesus J., Teixeira D., Freitas T. & Jones G. (2009). Social calls are subject to stabilizing selection in insular bats. Journal of Biogeography. 36: 2212-2221. [ISSN: 0305-0270]

20. Flaquer C., Puig-Montserrat X., Goiti U., Vidal F., Curcó A. & RUSSO D. (2009). Habitat selection in Nathusius’ pipistrelle (Pipistrellus nathusii): the importance of wetlands. Acta Chiropterologica 11: 149-155 [ISSN: 15081109]

21. RUSSO D., Cistrone L., Garonna A.P. & Jones G. (2011). The early bat catches the fly: daylight foraging in soprano pipistrelles. Mammalian Biology 76: 87-89 [ISSN: 16165047]

22. Di Salvo I., RUSSO D., Sarà M. (2009). Habitat preferences of bats in a rural area of Sicily determined by acoustic surveys. Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 20: 137-146 [ISSN: 03941914]

23. Georgiakakis P., Vasilakopoulos P., Mylonas M. & RUSSO D. (2010). Bat species richness and activity over an elevation gradient in Mediterranean shrublands of Crete. Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 21: 43-56 [ISSN: 03941914]

24. Esposito S., Incerti G., Giannino F., RUSSO D. & Mazzoleni S. (2010). Integrated modelling of foraging behaviour, energy budget and memory properties. Ecological Modelling 221: 1283-1291 [ISSN: 03043800]

25. RUSSO D., Cistrone L. & Garonna A.P. (2011). Habitat selection in the highly endangered beetle Rosalia alpina: a multiple spatial scale assessment. Journal of Insect Conservation 15: 685-693 [ISSN: 1366638X]

26. RUSSO D., Cistrone L., Garonna, A.P. & Jones, G (2010). Reconsidering the importance of harvested forests for the conservation of tree-dwelling bats. Biodiversity and Conservation. 19: 2501-2515. [ISSN: 1572-9710]

27. RUSSO D., Maglio G., Rainho A., Meyer C.F. & Palmeirim J. (2010). Out of the dark: diurnal activity in the bat Hipposideros ruber on São Tomé island (West Africa). Mammalian Biology 76: 701-708 [ISSN: 16165047]

28. Del Vaglio M.A., Nicolau H., Bosso L. & RUSSO D. (2011). Feeding habits of Egyptian fruit bats Rousettus aegyptiacus on Cyprus island: a first assessment. Hystrix 22: 281-289 [ISSN: 03941914]

29. Serangeli M.T., Cistrone L., Ancillotto L., Tomassini A. & RUSSO D. (2012). The post-release fate of hand-reared orphaned bats: survival and habitat selection. Animal Welfare 21: 9-18 [ISSN: 09627286]

30. Ancillotto L., Serangeli M.T. & RUSSO D. (2012). Spatial proximity between newborns influences the development of preferred social relationships. Ethology 118: 1-10 [ISSN: 01791613]

31. Rebelo H., Froufe E., Brito J.C., RUSSO D., Cistrone L., Ferrand N & Jones G. (2012). Postglacial colonization of Europe by the barbastelle bat: agreement between molecular data and past predictive modelling. Molecular Ecology 21: 2761-2774 [ISSN: 09621083]

32. Galimberti A., Spada M., RUSSO D., Mucedda M., Agnelli P., Crottini A., Ferri E., Martinoli A. & Casiraghi M. (2012) Integrated Operational Taxonomic Units (IOTUs) in Echolocating Bats: A Bridge between Molecular and Traditional Taxonomy. PLoS ONE 7(6): e40122 [ISSN: 19326203]

33. Georgiakakis P. & RUSSO D. (2012). The distinctive structure of social calls by Hanak’s dwarf bat Pipistrellus hanaki. Acta Chiropterologica 14: 167-174 [ISSN: 15081109]

34. RUSSO D., Cistrone L. & Jones G (2012). Sensory ecology of water detection by bats: a field experiment. PLoS ONE 7: e48144 [ISSN: 19326203]

35. Cagnacci F., Cardini A., Ciucci P., Ferrari N., Mortelliti A., Preatoni D.G., RUSSO D., Scandura M., Wauters L.A. & Amori G. (2012). Less is more: a researcher’s survival guide in times of economic crisis. Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 23: 1-7 [ISSN: 03941914]

36. Bosso L., Rebelo H., Garonna A.P. & RUSSO D. (2013). Modelling geographic distribution and detecting conservation gaps in Italy for the threatened beetle Rosalia alpina. Journal for Nature Conservation 21: 72-80 [ISSN: 16171381]

37. Ancillotto L., Serangeli M.T. & RUSSO D. (2013). Curiosity killed the bat: Domestic cats as bat predators. Mammalian Biology 78: 369-373 [ISSN: 16165047]

38. Caci G., Biscaccianti A.B., Cistrone L., Bosso L., Garonna A.P. & RUSSO D. (2013). Spotting the right spot: computer-aided individual identification of the threatened cerambycid beetle Rosalia alpina. Journal of Insect Conservation 17: 787-795 [ISSN: 1366638X]

39. Dool S.E., Puechmaille S.J., Dietz C., Juste J., Ibáñez C., Hulva P., Roué S.G.,Petit E.J., Jones G., RUSSO D., Toffoli R.,Viglino A., Martinoli A., Rossiter S.J. & Teeling E.C. (2013). Phylogeography and postglacial recolonisation of Europe by Rhinolophus hipposideros: evidence from multiple genetic markers. Molecular Ecology 22: 4055-4070 [ISSN: 09621083]

40. Maiorano L., Amori G., Capula M., Falcucci A., Masi M., Montemaggiori A., Pottier J., Psomas A., Rondinini C., RUSSO D., Zimmermann N.E., Boitani L. & Guisan A. (2013).Threats from climate change to terrestrial vertebrate hotspots in Europe. PLoS ONE 8: e74989 [ISSN: 19326203]

41. Roscioni F., RUSSO D. *, Di Febbraro M., Frate L., Carranza M.L. & Loy A. (2013). Regional-scale modelling of the cumulative impact of wind farms on bats. Biodiversity and Conservation 22: 1821- 1835 [ISSN: 09603115] * = corresponding author

42. Ancillotto L., Sozio G., Mortelliti A. & RUSSO D. (2013). Ultrasonic communication in Gliridae (Rodentia): the hazel dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius) as a case study. Bioacoustics 23: 129-141 [ISSN: 09524622]

43. Ancillotto L. & RUSSO D. (2014). Selective aggressiveness in European free-tailed bats (Tadarida teniotis): influence of familiarity, age and sex. Naturwissenschaften 101: 221-228 [ISSN: 00281042]

44. Roscioni F., Rebelo H. & RUSSO D. *, Carranza M.L., Di Febbraro M. & Loy A. (2014). A modelling approach to infer the effects of wind farms on landscape connectivity for bats. Landscape Ecology 29: 891-903 [ISSN: 09212973] * = corresponding author

45. Ancillotto L., Rydell J., Nardone V. & RUSSO D. (2014). Coastal cliffs on islands as foraging habitat for bats. Acta Chiropterologica 16: 103-108. [ISSN: 15081109]

46. Ancillotto L., Cistrone L., Mosconi F., Jones G., Boitani L. & RUSSO D. (2015). The importance of non- forest landscapes for the conservation of forest bats: lessons from barbastelles (Barbastella barbastellus). Biodiversity and Conservation 24: 171-185 [ISSN: 09603115]

47. RUSSO D., Di Febbraro M., Rebelo H., Mucedda M., Cistrone L., Agnelli P., De Pasquale P.P., Martinoli A., Scaravelli D., Spilinga C. & Bosso L. (2014) What story does geographic separation of insular bats tell? A case study on Sardinian rhinolophids. PLoS ONE 9(10): e110894. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0110894 [ISSN: 19326203]

48. Stoycheva S., Pavlova A., RUSSO D., Deleva S. & Atanassov T. (2014). Bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) in Besaparski Ridove Special Protection Area (Natura 2000), Southern Bulgaria: Species List, Distribution and Conservation. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica suppl. 5: 213-220 [ISSN: 03240770]

49. RUSSO D. & Papadatou E. (2014). Acoustic identification of free-flying Schreiber’s bat Miniopterus schreibersii by social calls. Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 25: 119-120 [ISSN: 03941914]

50. Ancillotto L. & RUSSO D. (2014). Reassessing the breeding range limits for two long-distance migratory vespertilionid bats, Pipistrellus nathusii and Nyctalus leisleri in the Italian Peninsula. Mammalia 79: 245-248 [ISSN: 00251461]

51. Roscioni F., Rebelo H., RUSSO D.*, Carranza M.L., Di Febbraro M. & Loy A. (2014). A modelling approach to infer the effects of wind farms on landscape connectivity for bats. Landscape Ecology 29: 891-903. [ISSN: 0921-2973] * = corresponding author

52. Tomassini A., Colangelo P., Agnelli P., Jones G. & RUSSO D. (2014). Cranial size has increased over 133 years in a common bat, Pipistrellus kuhlii: a response to changing climate or urbanization? Journal of Biogeography 41: 944-953. [ISSN: 0305-0270]

53. RUSSO D. & Ancillotto L. (2015). Sensitivity of bats to urbanization: a review. Mammalian Biology 80: 205-212 [ISSN: 16165047]

54. Rydell J. & RUSSO D. (2015). Photography as a low-impact method to survey bats. Mammalian Biology 80: 182-184 [ISSN: 16165047]

55. RUSSO D. & Jones G. (2015). Bats as bioindicators: an introduction. Mammalian Biology 80: 157-158 [ISSN: 16165047]

56. Ancillotto L., Allegrini C., Serangeli M.T., Jones G. & RUSSO D. (2015). Sociality across species: spatial proximity of newborn bats promotes heterospecific social bonding. Behavioral Ecology 26: 293-299 [ISSN: 10452249]

57. Bogdanowicz W., Hulva P., ?erná Bolfíková B., Bu? M.M., Rychlicka E., Sztencel-Jab?onka A., Cistrone A. & RUSSO D. (2015). Cryptic diversity of Italian bats and the role of the Apennine refugium in the phylogeography of the Western Palaearctic. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 174: 635-648 [ISSN: 00244082]

58. Vincenot C.E., Koyama L. & RUSSO D. (2015). Near Threatened? First report of unsuspected human- driven decline factors in the Ryukyu flying fox (Pteropus dasymallus) in Japan. Mammalian Biology 80: 273-277 [ISSN: 16165047]

59. Ducci L., Agnelli P., Di Febbraro M., Frate L., RUSSO D. *, Loy A., Carranza M.L., Santini G. & Roscioni F. (2015). Different bat guilds perceive their habitat in different ways: a multiscale landscape approach for variable selection in species distribution modelling. Landscape Ecology 30: 2147-2159 [ISSN: 09212973] * = corresponding author

60. RUSSO D., Di Febbraro M., Cistrone L., Jones G., Smeraldo S., Garonna A.P. & Bosso L. (2015). Protecting one, protecting both? Scale-dependent ecological differences in two species using dead trees, the rosalia longicorn beetle and the barbastelle bat. Journal of Zoology 297: 165-175 [ISSN: 09528369]

61. Ancillotto L., Tomassini A. & RUSSO D. (2015). The fancy city life: Kuhl’s pipistrelle, Pipistrellus kuhlii, benefits from urbanization. Wildlife Research 42: 598-606 [ISSN: 10353712]

62. Ancillotto L., Cistrone L., Mosconi F., Jones G., Boitani L. & RUSSO D. (2015). The importance of non- forest landscapes for the conservation of forest bats: lessons from barbastelles (Barbastella barbastellus). Biodiversity and Conservation 24: 171-185. [ISSN: 1572-9710]

63. Nardone V., Cistrone L., Di Salvo I., Ariano A., Migliozzi A., Allegrini C., Ancillotto L., Fulco A. & RUSSO D. (2015) How to be a male at different elevations: ecology of intra-sexual segregation in the trawling bat Myotis daubentonii. PLoS ONE 10(7): e0134573. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0134573 [ISSN: 19326203]

64. Cistrone L., Posillico M., Altea T., Matteucci G., Posillico M., De Cinti B. & RUSSO D. (2015). The effect of thinning on bat activity in Italian high forests: the LIFE+ “ManFor C.BD.” experience. Hystrix – the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 26: 125-131 [ISSN: 03941914]

65. RUSSO D., Billington G., Bontadina F., Dekker J., Dietz M., Gazaryan S., Jones G., Meschede A., Rebelo H., Reiter G., Ruczy?ski I., Tillon L. & Twisk P. (2016). Identifying key research objectives to make European forests greener for bats. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 4 (87). doi: 10.3389/fevo.2016.00087 [ISSN: 2296701X]

66. RUSSO D. & Voigt C. C. (2016). The use of automated identification of bat echolocation calls in acoustic monitoring: A cautionary note for a sound analysis. Ecological Indicators 66: 598-602. [ISSN: 1470-160X]

67. Korine C., Adams R., RUSSO D., Fisher-Phelps M. & Jacobs D. (2016). Bats and Water: Anthropogenic Alterations Threaten Global Bat Populations. Pp. 215-241 in (Voigt C.C., Kingston T. eds.). Bats in the Anthropocene: Conservation of Bats in a Changing World- Springer Open [ ISBN: 978- 331925220-9;978-331925218-6]

68. RUSSO D., Ancillotto L. & Korine C. (2016). The buzz of drinking on the wing in echolocating bats. Ethology 122: 226-235 [ISSN: 01791613]

69. Ancillotto L., Santini L., Ranc N., Maiorano L. & RUSSO D. (2016). Extraordinary range expansion in a common bat: the potential roles of climate change and urbanization. The Science of Nature 103 10.1007/s00114-016-1334-7 [ISSN: 00281042]

70. Bosso L., Di Febbraro M., Cristinzio G., Zoina A. & RUSSO D. (2016). Shedding light on the effects of climate change on the potential distribution of Xylella fastidiosa in the Mediterranean basin. Biological Invasions 18: 1759-1768 [ISSN: 13873547]

71. Bosso L., RUSSO D., Di Febbraro M., Cristinzio G. & Zoina A. (2016). Potential distribution of Xylella fastidiosa in Italy: a maximum entropy model. Phytopatologia mediterranea 55: 62-72 [ISSN: 00319465]

72. Ancillotto L. & RUSSO D. (2016). Individual vs. non-individual acoustic signalling in African woodland dormice (Graphiurus murinus). Mammalian Biology 81: 410-414 [ISSN: 16165047]

73. RUSSO D., Maiorano L., Rebelo H. & Preatoni D.G. (2016). Species Distribution Models: exploring patterns and processes in mammal ecology. Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 27: 3-4 [ISSN: 03941914]

74. Razgour O., Rebelo H., Di Febbraro M. & RUSSO D. (2016). Painting maps with bats: species distribution modelling in bat research and conservation. Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 27 doi:10.4404/hystrix-27.1-11753 [ISSN: 03941914]

75. Di Febbraro M., Martinoli A., RUSSO D., Preatoni D. & Bertolino S. (2016). Modelling the effects of climate change on the risk of invasion by alien squirrels. Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 27 doi:10.4404/hystrix-27.1-11776 [ISSN: 03941914]

76. RUSSO D. (2016). What makes Mammal Review so successful? Mammal Review 46: 159 [ISSN: 03051838]

77. RUSSO D., Sgammato R. & Bosso L. (2016). First sighting of the humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliae in the Tyrrhenian Sea and a mini-review of Mediterranean records. Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy doi: 10.4404/hystrix-27.2-11737 [ISSN: 03941914]

78. Bosso L., Mucedda M., Fichera G., Kiefer A. & RUSSO D. (2016). A gap analysis for threatened bat populations on Sardinia. Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy (online first). doi:10.4404/hystrix- 27.2-11788 [ISSN: 03941914]

79. Viglino A., Caniglia R., Ruiz-Gonzalez A., RUSSO D., Galaverini M., ,Toffoli R., Culasso P., De Bernardi P., Patriarca E., Agnelli P., Farina F., Mastrobuoni G., Martinoli A. & Randi E. (2016). What can we learn from faeces? Assessing genotyping success and genetic variability in three mouse-eared bat species from non-invasive genetic sampling. Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy (online first) 27: 150-157 [ISSN: 03941914]

80. Bosso L., Lacatena F., Varlese R., Nocerino S., Cristinzio G. & RUSSO D. (2017). Plant pathogens but not antagonists change in soil fungal communities across a land abandonment gradient in a Mediterranean landscape. Acta Oecologica 78: 1-6 [ISSN: 1146609X]

81. Rydell J., Nyman S, Eklöf J., Jones G. & RUSSO D. (2017). Testing the performances of automated identification of bat echolocation calls: a request for prudence. Ecological Indicators 78: 416-420. [ISSN: 1470-160X]

82. Ancillotto L., Ariano A., Nardone V., Budinski I., Rydell J. & RUSSO D. (2017). Effects of free-ranging cattle and landscape complexity on bat foraging: Implications for bat conservation and livestock management. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 241: 54-61. [ISSN: 0167-8809]

83. Ancillotto L., Mori E., Sozio G., Solano E., Bertolino S. & RUSSO D. (2017). A novel approach to field identification of cryptic Apodemus wood mice: calls differ more than morphology. Mammal Review 47: 6-10 [ISSN: 03051838]

84. RUSSO D., Cistrone L., Libralato N., Korine C., Jones G. & Ancillotto L. (2017). Adverse effects of artificial illumination on bat drinking activity. Animal Conservation 20: 492-501 [ISSN: 1367-9430]

85. Vincenot C. E., Collazo A.M. & RUSSO D. (2017). The Ryukyu flying fox (Pteropus dasymallus) – A review of conservation threats and call for reassessment. Mammalian Biology 83: 71-77 [ISSN: 16165047]

86. Nardone V., Ancillotto L. & RUSSO D. (2017). A flexible communicator: social call repertoire of Savi’s pipistrelle, Hypsugo savii. Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy. [ISSN: 03941914]

87. Smeraldo S., Di Febbraro M., ?irovi? D., Bosso L., Trbojevi? I. & RUSSO D. (2017) Species distribution models as a tool to predict range expansion after reintroduction: a case study on Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber). Journal for Nature Conservation 37: 12-20 [ISSN: 16171381]

88. Conenna I., Rocha R., RUSSO D. & Cabeza M. (2017). Island endemic bats and research effort: a review of global patterns and priorities. Mammal Review 47: 169-182 [ISSN: 03051838]

89. Rocha R., Sequeira M.M., Douglas L.R., Gouveia M., Jardim R., Jesus J., Jones H.P. & RUSSO D. (2017). Extinctions of introduced game species on oceanic islands: curse for hunters or conservation opportunities? Biodiversity and Conservation 26: 2517.2520 [ISSN: 09603115]

90. RUSSO D., Cistrone L., Budinski I., Console G., Della Corte M., Milighetti C., Di Salvo I., Nardone V., Brigham R.M. & Ancillotto R. (2017). Sociality influences thermoregulation and roost switching in a forest bat using ephemeral roosts. Ecology and Evolution 7: 5310-5321 [ISSN: 20457758]

91. Bosso L., De Conno C. & RUSSO D. (2017). Modelling the risk posed by the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha: Italy as a case study. Environmental Management 60: 304-313 [ISSN: 0364152X]

92. Bosso L., Luchi N., Maresi G., Cristinzio G., Smeraldo S. & RUSSO D. (2017). Predicting current and future disease outbreaks of Diplodia sapinea shoot blight in Italy: species distribution models as a tool for forest management planning. Forest Ecology and Management 400: 655-664 [ISSN: 03781127]

93. RUSSO D., Ancillotto L., Hughes A. C. & Mori E. (2017). Collection of voucher specimens for bat research: conservation, ethical implications, reduction, and alternatives. Mammal Review 47: 237-246 [ISSN: 03051838]

94. Di Febbraro M., Carotenuto F., Castiglione S., RUSSO D., Loy A., Maiorano L. & Raia P. (2017). Does the jack of all trades fare best? Survival and niche width in Late Pleistocene Megafauna. Journal of Biogeography 44: 2828-2838 [ISSN: 03050270]

95. RUSSO D., Ancillotto L. & Jones G. (2018). Bats are still not birds in the digital era: echolocation call variation and why it matters for bat species identification. Canadian Journal of Zoology 96: 63 – 78 [ISSN: 1480-3283]

96. Smeraldo, S., Di Febbraro, M., Bosso, L., Flaquer, C., Guixé, D., Lisón, F., Meschede, A., Juste, J., Prüger, J., Puig-Montserrat, X., RUSSO D. (2018). Ignoring seasonal changes in the ecological niche of non-migratory species may lead to biases in potential distribution models: lessons from bats. Biodiversity and Conservation 27: 2425–2441. [ISSN: 1572-9710]

97. Chaverri, G., Ancillotto, L., RUSSO D. (2018). Social communication in bats. Biological Reviews 93: 1938-1954 [ISSN: 1469-185X]

98. Bosso L., Smeraldo S., Rapuzzi P., Sama G., Garonna A.P. & RUSSO D. (2018). Nature protection areas of Europe are insufficient to preserve the threatened beetle Rosalia alpina (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae): evidence from species distribution models and conservation gap analysis. Ecological Entomology 43: 192-203 [ISSN: 1365-2311]

99. Aizpurua, O., Budinski, I., Georgiakakis, P., Gopalakrishnan, S., Ibañez, C., Mata, V., Rebelo, H., RUSSO D., Szodoray-Parádi, F., Zhelyazkova, V., Zrncic, V., Gilbert, M. T. P. & Alberdi, A. (2018), Agriculture shapes the trophic niche of a bat preying on multiple pest arthropods across Europe: evidence from DNA metabarcoding. Molecular Ecology 27: 815-825 [ISSN: 09621083]

100. Nardone, V., Bosso, L., Della Corte, M., Sasso, M., Galimberti, A., Bruno, A., Casiraghi, M. & RUSSO D. (2018). Native red foxes depredate nests of alien pond sliders: evidence from molecular detection of prey in scats. Mammalian Biology 88: 72-74 [ISSN: 16165047]

101. Mezzasalma, M., Di Febbraro, M., Guarino, F.M., Odierna, G. & RUSSO D. (2018). Cold-blooded in the Ice Age: "refugia within refugia", inter-and intraspecific biogeographic diversification of European whipsnakes (Squamata, Colubridae, Hierophis). Zoology 127: 84-94 [ISSN: 0944-2006]

102. Georgiakakis, P., Poursanidis, D., Kantzaridou, M., Kontogeorgos, G. & RUSSO D. (2018). The importance of forest conservation for the survival of the range-restricted Pipistrellus hanaki, an endemic bat from Crete and Cyrenaica. Mammalian Biology 93: 109-117

103. Ancillotto, L., Notomista, T., Mori, E., Bertolino, S. & RUSSO D. (2018). Assessment of detection methods and vegetation associations for introduced Finlayson’s Squirrels (Callosciurus finlaysonii) in Italy. Environmental Management 61: 875-883 [ISSN: 0364152X]

104. Amoroso M.G., RUSSO D., Lanave G., Cistrone G., Martella V., Galiero G., Decaro N. & Fusco G. (2018). Detection and phylogenetic characterization of astroviruses in insectivorous bats from Central-Southern Italy. Zoonoses and Public Health 65: 702-710

105. De Conno C., Nardone V., Ancillotto L., De Bonis S., Guida M., Jorge I., Scarpa U., RUSSO D. (2018). Testing the performance of bats as indicators of riverine ecosystem quality. Ecological Indicators 95: 741-750 [ISSN: 1470-160X]

106. Santini, L., González?Suárez, M., RUSSO D., Gonzalez?Voyer, A., von Hardenberg, A., & Ancillotto, L. (2018). One strategy does not fit all: determinants of urban adaptation in mammals. Ecology Letters 22: 365-376 [ISSN: 1461-0248]

107. Ancillotto L., Budinski I., Nardone V., Di Salvo I., Della Corte M., Bosso L., Conti P. & RUSSO D. (2018). What is driving range expansion in a common bat? Hints from thermoregulation and habitat selection. Behavioural Processes 157: 540-546

108. RUSSO D., Bosso L., Ancillotto L. (2018). Novel perspectives on bat insectivory highlight the value of this ecosystem service in farmland: Research frontiers and management implications. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 266: 31-38 [ISSN: 0167-8809]

109. Ancillotto L., Studer V., Howard T., Smith V. S., McAlister E., Beccaloni J., Manzia F., Renzopaoli F., Bosso L., RUSSO D. & Mori E. (2018). Environmental drivers of parasite load and species richness in introduced parakeets in an urban landscape. Parasitology Research 117: 3591-3599

110. Bosso, L., Ancillotto, L., Smeraldo, S., D’Arco, S., Migliozzi, A., Conti P. & RUSSO D. (2018). Loss of potential bat habitat following a severe wildfire: a model-based rapid assessment. International Journal of Wildland Fire 27: 756-769

111. Di Febbraro, M., Menchetti, M., RUSSO D., Ancillotto, L., Aloise, G., Roscioni, F., Preatoni D.G., Loy A., Martinoli A., Bertolino S. & Mori, E. (2019). Integrating climate and land?use change scenarios in modelling the future spread of invasive squirrels in Italy. Diversity and Distributions 25: 644-659

112. RUSSO D., Cosentino F., Festa F., De Benedetta F., Pejic B., Cerretti P., & Ancillotto L. (2019). Artificial illumination near rivers may alter bat-insect trophic interactions. Environmental Pollution 252: 1671-1677 [ISSN: 0269-7491]

113. Mori, E., Ancillotto, L., Lovari, S., RUSSO D., Nerva, L., Mohamed, W. F., Motro Y, Di Bari P. & Plebani, M. (2019). Skull shape and Bergmann's rule in mammals: hints from Old World porcupines. Journal of Zoology 308: 47-55

114. Ducci, L., Roscioni, F., Carranza, M. L., Agnelli, P., RUSSO D., D., Frate, L., Loy A., Santini G. & Di Febbraro, M. (2019). The role of protected areas in preserving habitat and functional connectivity for mobile flying vertebrates: the common noctule bat (Nyctalus noctula) in Tuscany (Italy) as a case study. Biodiversity and Conservation 28: 1569-1592

115. Ancillotto, L., Mori, E., Bosso, L., Agnelli, P. & RUSSO D., (2019). The Balkan long-eared bat (Plecotus kolombatovici) occurs in Italy–first confirmed record and potential distribution. Mammalian Biology 96: 61-67

116. Ancillotto, L., Venturi, G. & RUSSO D. (2019). Presence of humans and domestic cats affects bat behaviour in an urban nursery of greater horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum). Behavioural Processes 164: 4-9

117. Giacomini, G., Scaravelli, D., Herrel, A., Veneziano, A., RUSSO D., Brown, R. P., & Meloro, C. (2019). 3D Photogrammetry of Bat Skulls: Perspectives for Macro-evolutionary Analyses. Evolutionary Biology 46: 249-259

118. RUSSO D., Ancillotto L., Cistrone L., Libralato N., Domer Adi, Cohen S., Korine C. (2019). Effects of artificial illumination on drinking bats: a field test in forest and desert habitats. Animal Conservation 22: 124-133 [ISSN: 1469-1795]

119. Ancillotto L., Bosso L., Salinas-Ramos V. B., & RUSSO D. (2019). The importance of ponds for the conservation of bats in urban landscapes. Landscape and Urban Planning, 190, 103607 [ISSN: 0169-2046]

120. EFSA PPR Panel (EFSA Panel on Plant Protection Products and their Residues), Hernández?Jerez A., Adriaanse P., Aldrich A., Berny P., Coja T., Duquesne S., Gimsing A.L., Marina M., Millet M., Pelkonen O., Pieper S., Tiktak A., Tzoulaki I., Widenfalk A., Wolterink G., RUSSO D., Streissl F. and Topping C. (2019). Scientific statement on the coverage of bats by the current pesticide risk assessment for birds and mammals. EFSA Journal 17:5758, 81 pp.

121. Moreira F., Allsopp N., Esler K. J., Wardell-Johnson G., Ancillotto L., Arianoutsou M., Clary J., Brotons L., Clavero M., Dimitrakopoulos P., Fagoaga R., Fiedler P., Filipe A.F., Frankenberg E., Holmgren M., Marquet P.A., Martinez-Harms M.J., Martinoli A., Miller B. P., Olsvig-Whittaker L., Pliscoff P., Rundel P., RUSSO D., Slingsby J.A., Thompson J., Wardell-Johnson A., Beja P. (2019). Priority questions for biodiversity conservation in the Mediterranean biome: Heterogeneous perspectives across continents and stakeholders. Conservation Science and Practice: e118.

122. Loy A., Aloise G., Ancillotto L., Angelici F.M., Bertolino S., Capizzi D., Castiglia R., Colangelo P., Contoli L., Cozzi B., Fontaneto D., Lapini L., Maio N., Monaco A., Mori E., Nappi A., Podestà M., RUSSO D., Sarà M., Scandura M. & Amori G. (2019). Mammals of Italy: an annotated checklist. Hystrix 30: 87-106

123. Palladini, A., Mucedda, M., Pidinchedda, E., Martinoli, A., RUSSO D., Bogliani, G. & Mucci, N. (2019). Genetic diversity of Italian greater horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) and distinction of the Sardinian colonies. Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 30: 141-148

124. Bertolino S., Lurz, P., Bosso, L., RUSSO D. & Di Febbraro M. (2020). Spatially-explicit models as tools for implementing effective management strategies for invasive alien mammals. Mammal Review 50: 187-199

125. Alberdi A., Razgour O., Aizpurua O., Novella Fernandez R., Aihartza J., Budinski I., Garin I., Ibáñez C., Izagirre E., Rebelo H., Vlaschenko A., RUSSO D., Zhelyazkova V., Zrncic V. & Gilbert M.T. (2020). DNA metabarcoding and spatial modelling link diet diversification with distribution homogeneity in European bats. Nature Communications 11: 1-8

126. RUSSO D., Salinas-Ramos, V.B. & Ancillotto, L. (2020). Barbastelle Bat Barbastella barbastellus (Schreber, 1774). In: Hackländer, K., Zachos, F.E. (eds). Handbook of the Mammals of Europe. Springer, Cham.

127. Ancillotto, L. & RUSSO D. (2020). Brown Long-Eared Bat Plecotus auritus (Linnaeus, 1758). In: Hackländer, K., Zachos, F.E. (eds). Handbook of the Mammals of Europe. Springer, Cham.

128. Raffini, F., Bertorelle, G., Biello, R., D’Urso, G., RUSSO D. & Bosso, L. (2020). From Nucleotides to Satellite Imagery: Approaches to Identify and Manage the Invasive Pathogen Xylella fastidiosa and Its Insect Vectors in Europe. Sustainability 12: 4508

129. Smeraldo, S., Bosso, L., Fraissinet, M., Bordignon, L., Brunelli, M., Ancillotto, L. & RUSSO D. (2020). Modelling risks posed by wind turbines and power lines to soaring birds: the black stork (Ciconia nigra) in Italy as a case study. Biodiversity and Conservation 29: 1959-1976

130. Ancillotto, L., Bosso, L., Smeraldo, S., Mori, E., Mazza, G., Herkt, M., Galimberti A., Ramazzotti F. & RUSSO D. (2020). An African bat in Europe, Plecotus gaisleri: Biogeographic and ecological insights from molecular taxonomy and Species Distribution Models. Ecology and Evolution 10: 5785-5800

131. Di Pasquale, G., Saracino, A., Bosso, L., RUSSO D., Moroni, A., Bonanomi, G. & Allevato, E. (2020). Coastal Pine-Oak Glacial Refugia in the Mediterranean Basin: A Biogeographic Approach Based on Charcoal Analysis and Spatial Modelling. Forests 11: 673

132. Wright, P.G., Newton, J., Agnelli, P., Budinski, I., Di Salvo, I., Flaquer, C., Fulco, A., Georgiakakis, P., Martinoli, A., Mas, M., Mazija, M., Mucedda M., Papadatou E., Petrov B., Rodrigues L., Mathews F. & RUSSO D. (2020). Hydrogen isotopes reveal evidence of migration of Miniopterus schreibersii in Europe. BMC Ecology 20: 1-7

133. Salinas-Ramos V., Ancillotto L., Bosso L., Sánchez Cordero V., RUSSO D. (2020). Interspecific competition in bats: state of knowledge and research challenges. Mammal Review 50: 68-81[ISSN: 1365-2907]

134. Mori, E., Brambilla, M., Ramazzotti, F., Ancillotto, L., Mazza, G., RUSSO D., Amori. G. & Galimberti, A. (2020). In or Out of the Checklist? DNA Barcoding and Distribution Modelling Unveil a New Species of Crocidura Shrew for Italy. Diversity 12: 380

135. Rocha, R., Aziz, S. A., Brook, C. E., Carvalho, W. D., & Cooper-Bohannon, R. (2021). Bat conservation and zoonotic disease risk: a research agenda to prevent misguided persecution in the aftermath of COVID-19. Animal Conservation 24: 303-307

136. Smeraldo S., Salinas-Ramos V.B., Bosso L., Ancillotto L., RUSSO D. (2021). Generalists yet different: distributional responses to climate change may vary across opportunistic bat species sharing similar ecological traits. Mammal Review 51: 571-584 [ISSN: 1365-2907]

137. Salinas-Ramos, V. B., Ancillotto, L., Cistrone, L., Nastasi, C., Bosso, L., Smeraldo, S., Sánchez Cordero V. & RUSSO D. (2021). Artificial illumination influences niche segregation in bats. Environmental Pollution, 284: 117187 [ISSN: 0269-7491]

138. Ancillotto L., Bosso L., Conti P. & RUSSO D. (2021). Resilient responses by bats to a severe wildfire: conservation implications. Animal Conservation 24: 470-481

139. Voigt, C.C., RUSSO D., Runkel, V. and Goerlitz, H.R. (2021). Limitations of acoustic monitoring at wind turbines to evaluate fatality risk of bats. Mammal Review 51: 559-570

140. Salinas-Ramos, V. B., Agnelli, P., Bosso, L., Ancillotto, L., Sánchez-Cordero, V. M., & RUSSO D. (2021). Body Size Variation in Italian Lesser Horseshoe Bats Rhinolophus hipposideros over 147 Years: Exploring the Effects of Climate Change, Urbanization and Geography. Biology 10: 16

141. Salinas-Ramos, V.B., Agnelli, P., Bosso, L., Ancillotto, L. and RUSSO D. (2021). Body size of Italian greater horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) increased over one century and a half: a response to climate change? Mammalian Biology 101: 1127-1131

142. Conenna, I., Santini, L., Rocha, R., Monadjem, A., Cabeza, M., & RUSSO D. (2021). Global patterns of functional trait variation along aridity gradients in bats. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 30: 1014-1029 [ISSN: 1466-8238]

143. Domer, A., Korine, C., Slack, M., Rojas, I., Mathieu, D., Mayo, A., & RUSSO D. . (2021). Adverse effects of noise pollution on foraging and drinking behaviour of desert insectivorous bats. Mammalian Biology 101: 497–501

144. Ancillotto L., Festa F., De Benedetta F., Cosentino F., Pejic B., & RUSSO D. (2021). Free-ranging livestock and a diverse landscape structure increase bat foraging in mountainous landscapes. Agroforestry Systems 95: 407–418

145. Ancillotto, L., Fichera, G., Pidinchedda, E., Veith, M., Kiefer, A., Mucedda, M., & RUSSO D. (2021). Wildfires, heatwaves and human disturbance threaten insular endemic bats. Biodiversity and Conservation, 30: 4401-4416 [ISSN: 1572-9710]

146. Novella?Fernandez, R., Juste, J., Ibáñez, C., Rebelo, H., RUSSO D., Alberdi, A., Kiefer A., Graham L., Hynek P., Doncaster C.P. & Razgour O. (2021). Broad?scale patterns of geographic avoidance between species emerge in the absence of fine?scale mechanisms of coexistence. Diversity and Distributions 27: 1606-1618

147. RUSSO D., Salinas-Ramos, V. B., Cistrone, L., Smeraldo, S., Bosso, L., & Ancillotto, L. (2021). Do We Need to Use Bats as Bioindicators? Biology 10: 693

148. Salinas-Ramos, V. B., Mori, E., Bosso, L., Ancillotto, L., & RUSSO D. (2021). Zoonotic Risk: One More Good Reason Why Cats Should Be Kept Away from Bats. Pathogens 10: 304

149. Giacomini, G., Herrel, A., Chaverri, G., Brown, R. P., RUSSO D., Scaravelli, D., & Meloro, C. (2022). Functional correlates of skull shape in Chiroptera: feeding and echolocation adaptations. Integrative Zoology 17: 330-479

150. Cerri, J., Mori, E., Ancillotto, L., RUSSO D., & Bertolino, S. (2022). COVID?19, media coverage of bats and related Web searches: a turning point for bat conservation? Mammal Review 52: 16-25

151. Rydell, J., RUSSO D., Sewell, P., Seamark, E. C., Francis, C. M., Fenton, S. L., & Fenton, M. B. (2022). Bat selfies: photographic surveys of flying bats. Mammalian Biology 102: 793-809

152. Bosso, L., Smeraldo, S., RUSSO D., Chiusano, M.L., Bertorelle, G., Johannesson, K., Butlin, R.K., Danovaro, R. & Raffini, F. (2022). The rise and fall of an alien: why the successful colonizer Littorina saxatilis failed to invade the Mediterranean Sea. Biological Invasions 24: 3169-3187

153. Ancillotto, L., Palmieri, A., Canfora, C., Nastasi, C., Bosso, L., & RUSSO D. (2022). Spatial responses of long-eared bats Plecotus auritus to forestry practices: Implications for forest management in protected areas. Forest Ecology and Management, 506: 119959 [ISSN: 0378-1127]

154. Grilo, C., Afonso, B. C., Afonso, F., Alexandre, M., Aliácar, S., Almeida, A., ...RUSSO D., … & Paula, A. (2022). Mammals in Portugal: A data set of terrestrial, volant, and marine mammal occurrences in Portugal. Ecology, 2022, 103: e3654

155. Ancillotto, L., Pafundi, D., Cappa, F., Chaverri, G., Gamba, M., Cervo, R., & RUSSO D. (2022). Bats mimic hymenopteran insect sounds to deter predators. Current Biology, 32: R408-R409 [ISSN: 1879-0445]

156. Dakroub H, RUSSO D*, Cistrone L, Serra F, Fusco G, De Carlo E, Amoroso MG. A First Assessment of SARS-CoV-2 Circulation in Bats of Central–Southern Italy. Pathogens. 2022; 11(7):742. * = co-corresponding author

157. Fichera, G., Mucedda, M., RUSSO D., Tomassini, A., Kiefer, A., Veith, M., Ancillotto, L. (2022). Pantelleria island (Sicily, Italy): a biogeographic crossroad for bats between Africa and Europe. Hystrix, 33: 134-137.

158. Ancillotto, L., Rummo, R., Agostinetto, G., Tommasi, N., Garonna, A.P., de Benedetta, F., Bernardo, U., Galimberti, A., RUSSO D. Bats as suppressors of agroforestry pests in beech forests (2022) Forest Ecology and Management, 522: 120467.

159. Froidevaux, J.S.P., Toshkova, N., Barbaro, L., Benítez-López, A., Kerbiriou, C., Le Viol, I., Pacifici, M., Santini, L., Stawski, C., RUSSO D.*, Dekker, J., Alberdi, A., Amorim, F., Ancillotto, L., Barré, K., Bas, Y., Cantú-Salazar, L., Dechmann, D.K.N., Devaux, T., Eldegard, K., Fereidouni, S., Furmankiewicz, J., Hamidovic, D., Hill, D.L., Ibáñez, C., Julien, J.-F., Juste, J., Ka?uch, P., Korine, C., Laforge, A., Legras, G., Leroux, C., Lesi?ski, G., Mariton, L., Marmet, J., Mata, V.A., Mifsud, C.M., Nistreanu, V., Novella-Fernandez, R., Rebelo, H., Roche, N., Roemer, C., Ruczy?ski, I., Sørås, R., Uhrin, M., Vella, A., Voigt, C.C., Razgour, O. (2023). A species-level trait dataset of bats in Europe and beyond. Scientific Data, 10: 253. * = corresponding author

160. 108230 Benedetta, F., Bernardo, U., Galimberti, A., Conti, P., RUSSO D. (2023) Predator-prey traits and foraging habitat shape the diet of a common insectivorous bat. Acta Oecologica, 118: 103890

161. Salinas-Ramos, V.B., Tomassini, A., Ferrari, F., Boga, R., RUSSO D. (2023). Admittance to Wildlife Rehabilitation Centres Points to Adverse Effects of Climate Change on Insectivorous Bats (2023) Biology, 12: 543

162. Fraissinet, M., Ancillotto, L., Migliozzi, A., Capasso, S., Bosso, L., Chamberlain, D.E., RUSSO D. (2023). Responses of avian assemblages to spatiotemporal landscape dynamics in urban ecosystems. Landscape Ecology, 38: 293-305.

163. Dakroub, H., Sgroi, G., D’Alessio, N., RUSSO D. *, Serra, F., Veneziano, V., Rea, S., Pucciarelli, A., Lucibelli, M.G., De Carlo, E., Fusco, G., Amoroso, M.G. (2023). Molecular Survey of Toxoplasma gondii in Wild Mammals of Southern Italy. Pathogens, 12: 471. * = corresponding author

164. Ancillotto, L., Scaramella, C., Dartora, F., Migliozzi, A., RUSSO D. (2023). Organic farming sustains bats in Mediterranean farmland. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 342: 108230

165. Festa, F., Ancillotto, L., Santini, L., Pacifici, M., Rocha, R., Toshkova, N., Amorim, F., Benítez-López, A., Domer, A., Hamidovi?, D., Kramer-Schadt, S., Mathews, F., Radchuk, V., Rebelo, H., Ruczynski, I., Solem, E., Tsoar, A., RUSSO D. *., Razgour, O. (2023). Bat responses to climate change: a systematic review. Biological Reviews, 98: 19-33. * = corresponding author

166. RUSSO D., Mäenurm, A., Martinoli, A., Zotti, M., Cistrone, L. (2023) Forest islands in farmland provide vital roost trees year-round for giant and common noctule bats: Management implications. Forest Ecology and Management, 540: 121053

167. Tuneu-Corral, C., Puig-Montserrat, X., Riba-Bertolín, D., RUSSO D.*, Rebelo, H., Cabeza, M., López-Baucells, A. (2023). Pest suppression by bats and management strategies to favour it: a global review (2023) Biological Reviews, * = corresponding author

168. Teixeira, S., Smeraldo, S. and Russo, D., 2023. Unveiling the Potential Distribution of the Highly Threatened Madeira Pipistrelle (Pipistrellus maderensis): Do Different Evolutionary Significant Units Exist?. Biology, 12(7), p.998.

169. Sogliani, D., Mori, E., Lovari, S., Lazzeri, L., Longoni, A., Tabarelli De Fatis, K., Sabatini, P., Di Nicola, M.R. and Russo, D., 2023. Citizen science and diet analysis shed light on dog-wildlife interactions in Italy. Biodiversity and Conservation, pp.1-19.

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